8 загинали при самолетна катастрофа в Молдова 11.04.2008/около 19:00 по Гринуич Молдова/Кишинев След излитане и проблеми в двигателите екипажът на судански товарен самолет Ан-32 (ST-AZL), собственост на авиокомпанията Kata Transportation, решил да се върне и извърши принудително кацане на летището в Кишинев, но на няколоко стотин метра от началото на полосата помел оградата и се разбил. 8-те члена на екипажа са загинали. Според някои източници всички те са молдовски граждани, но други като RIAN.ru твърдят, че 3 са молдовци, а останалите 5 -украинци. Самолетът е трябвало да лети за Судан през Анталия, Турция. Огънят обхванал самолета е потушен. Шест от телата на загиналите са открити и разпознати. Води се разследване относно причините за катастрофата. |
wwAdditional News: Man dies on flight from Moscow to Toronto |
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Plane crashes in Suriname, 19 feared dead 03.04.2008// 15:00 GMT Suriname/ Benzdorp A plane crashed in a remote gold-mining area of Suriname on Thursday and all 19 people on board were killed. The plane was a twin-engine, 18-seater Antonov-28 run by local airline Blue Wing Airlines in the former Dutch colony that lies on the eastern shoulder of South America. There were 17 passengers and two crew on board and that it was unlikely any survived the crash in the sparsely populated south of the country in the area of Benzdorp. "There is nothing to rescue, everything has gone up in flames," a gold miner in the area told local radio station Radio Apintie in a telephone interview. Typically flights in the area ferry passengers working in the gold-mining industry. Among the passengers were six French citizens. The six-year-old airline is based in the capital Paramaribo and has 10 aircraft, according to a company profile on its Web site www.bluewingairlines.com. Concerns over the airline's safety standards had prompted restrictions on the carrier flying into neighboring French Guiana. But they were lifted last year. Suriname has a population of around 500,000 and its economy is based mainly on mining. (Reporting by Ank Kuipers; Writing by Saul Hudson; Editing by Brian Ellsworth and Xavier Briand) |
The Blue Wing Airlines plane Antonov-28 (reg. PZ-TSO) on its takeoff minutes before the crash. See the slide! |
Самолет разбился в Суринаме, погибли 19 человек 03.04.2008//15:00 по Гринвичу Суринам/ Бенздорп В небольшой латиноамериканской стране Суринам в четверг потерпел крушение самолет. Погибли все 19 человек, находившиеся на борту, сообщают источники в аэропорту столицы страны - Парамарибо. Среди погибших были 6 французов. Воздушное судно, выполнявшее внутренний рейс, разбилось через час после взлета из столичного аэропорта в труднодоступном районе на востоке страны, на границе с Французской Гвианой. Сообщается, что самолет российского производства, Антонов Ан-28 ( PZ-TSO), принадлежал местной авиакомпании Blue Wing Airlines. Республика Суринам - самое маленькое по площади государство Южной Америки, расположенное на северо-востоке континента |
Антонов погуби 19 до златна мина 03.04.2008//15:00 по Гринуич Суринам/ Бенздорп Антонов Ан-28 ( PZ-TSO), принадлежащ на авиокомпанията Blue Wing Airlines (местна авиокомпания с около 10 самолета, пътнически и карго, създадена през 2002 г.) се разби в гориста местност на отдалечения и известен със златните се находища район на град Бенздорп, Суринам, в близост до границата с |Френска Гвиана, разположени в североизточната част на Южна Америка. На борда на самолета се намирали 17 пътници, от които 6 френски поданици, и двучленен екипаж. Всички намиращи се на борда загинали при катастрофата. Самолетът излетял от летището -Zorg en Hoop Airport (ORG/SMZO) на столицата Парамарибо и час след това катастрофирал. Изхождайки от стандартите за безопасност на авиокомпанията Blue Wing Airlines е било забранено да осъществява полети над Френска Гвиана до миналата година, но по-късно тази забрана била отменена. |
05.04.2008*/Czech Republic/Miroslav - A SU-1 ultralight plane crashed on takeoff killing the pilot. */UK/Scotland/Cairngorm Mountain - A light plane crashed just over half a mile from the Funicular Railway killing the pilot. 06.04.2008*/US/Ky/Luisville - A Cessna plane crashed injuring the pilot. */Honduras/Tegucigalpa - A light plane developed mechanical problems after takeoff and attempting a return to the airport hit a passing by - truck and crashed injuring the four occupants on board. */US/Maine/Belfast - a SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 with one person aboard crashed into Belfast Bay killing the pilot. */US/Maine/Lincoln Regional Airport - A pilot suffered a cut when his Luscombe 8A, two-seater plane skidded off the runway and flipped onto its roof. 07.04.2008*/Bulgaria/Sofia - Lufthanza's Boeing hit by lightning over the Bulgarian capital, it was damaged. */US/UT/San Juan County/Nokai Dome - A Maule M-7 small plane crashed. */US/AL/Phenix City. - An RV-10 experimental plane crash kills 2 people on board. */US/FL/Polk City - CH-600 Zodiak plane crash kills the pilot. */Peru/Iquitos - A military Pilatus PC-6B2-H4 Porter plane crashed near the runway injuring 5 crew-members. The plane was destroyed. 08.04.2008*/US/WY/Cheyenne - An experimental plane crash kills the pilot. |
The crash of the AN-26 military aircraft killed all five pilots on board. -- PHOTO: AFP |
Vietnam military plane crash kills five 08.04.2008// around 03:00 GMT Vietnam/ Hanoi/ Thanh Tri FIVE Vietnamese military pilots were killed on Tuesday when their twin-engine transport aircraft crashed into a field on the outskirts of the capital Hanoi. The An-26 military plane crashed around 10am (local time). That is a Soviet-built Antonov An-26 turboprop aircraft that can carry 40 passengers. A Vietnamese military official who declined to be named said the airplane belonged to Vietnam's 918 Air Transport Regiment. |
Разбился Ан-26 ВВС Вьетнама, пять человек погибли 08.04.2008// 03:00 по Гринвичу Виетнам/ Тханьчи Военно-транспортный самолет Ан-26 ВВС Вьетнама разбился во вторник в районе столицы страны города Ханоя, все пять человек, находившихся на борту, погибли. Вылетевший утром из ханойского аэропорта Зялам для проведения учебно-тренировочного полета самолет на обратном пути по неустановленной пока причине упал на рисовое поле в районе деревни Татханьоай уезда Тханьчи. По имеющейся информации, самолет падал на близлежащую школу, однако экипажу, по-видимому, удалось изменить курс и предотвратить гибель людей на земле. Обстоятельства происшествия выясняются. |
Антонов-26 се разби във Виетнам 08.04.2008// 03:00 по Гринвичу Виетнам/ Тханьчи Карго Ан-26 на виетнамските ВВС се разби недалече от столицата Ханой. Петимата офицери на борда загинали. Самолетът принадлежащ към 918 въздушно транспортен полк се разбил на оризово поле. Води се разследване относно причините за катастрофата. |
09.04.2008*/US/AK/Unalaska - Peninsula Airways' Grumman G-21A Goose plane hit a truck and crash-landed. */Germany/near Blankenheim-Alendorf - Air Lloyd's Robinson R44 Raven II crashed into high voltage line during autorotation exercise. */Brazil/Sao Miguel do Tapuio - Ceara Taxi Aereo Embraer EMB-810C Seneca II crashed at night, while carried bank documents, killing both occupants. |
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5 French Tourists Killed in Peru Crash
09.04.2008 - Five French tourists visiting Peru's Nazca lines were killed Wednesday when their small plane crashed after becoming tangled in power lines. The Aero Ica Cessna U206C Super Skywagon plane (reg. OB-1266) went down near a landing strip in Peru's southern desert and all five tourists aboard died. The Peruvian pilot survived. The crash appeared to be the result of 'human error.' The witnesses reported seeing the plane caught in high-tension cables before it crashed. Juan Carlos Pavic, head of the civil aeronautics office of the Transportation Ministry, said the pilot's license was valid and the plane's paperwork up-to-date. The Cessna aircraft crashed during a 30-minute flight over the Nazca lines. The lines, mysterious markings etched into the desert sands more than a millennium ago, are one of Peru's top tourist destinations. Tourists often take short flights on small airplanes for a better view of the lines. Lima-based Aero Ica runs 80 flights over the lines a day. The Nazca lines cover a 35-mile stretch of desert some 250 miles south of Lima and were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1994. |
The wreckage of the Cessna plane crashed on 09.04.2008 in Peru killing 5 French tourists and injuring the Peruvian pilot. |
10.04.2008*/Germany/Berlin-Lankwitz - An Eurocopter EC-135, belonged to ADAC Luftrettung GmbH, hit trees on landing. 11.04.2008*/US/TX/Hardin Co/Sour Lake - A small plane (reg. N9764U) crash-landed injuring critically the pilot. |
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Cargo plane crashes after takeoff from Moldova 11.04.2008 about 19:00 GMT Moldova/ CHISINAU A Soviet-made cargo plane (reg. ST-AZL) crashed on Friday after taking off from Chisinau airport, killing the eight people on board. The AN-32 cargo plane, widely used in the former Soviet Union, was bound for the Turkish Mediterranean resort of Antalya. It crashed after taking off and attempting an emergency landing. The plane was owned by a Sudanese company Kata Transportation, but the crew was Moldovan (3) and Ukrainian (5). The fire has been extinguished. Six bodies have been recovered. It was a cargo charter flight. The plane was heading to Sudan via Turkey. |
В Кишиневском аэропорту разбился грузовой самолет 11.04.2008/около 19:00 по Гринвичу Молдова/Кишинев Грузовой самолет АН-32 (ST-AZL), принадлежавший авиакомпании Kata Transportation, разбился в пятницу вечером около 22.00 в Кишиневском международном аэропорту. Погибли восемь членов экипажа. По данным источника в Государственной администрации гражданской авиации Молдавии, экипаж состоял из троих граждан Молдавии и пятерых граждан Украины. Катастрофа произошла во время посадки воздушного судна. Очевидцы рассказали, что после взлета самолет развернулся над пригородным селом Бачой и попытался сесть. Однако, не дотянув до взлетной полосы нескольких сотен метров, лайнер снес ограду аэропорта и рухнул, разрушив одно из технических сооружений. Прибывшие пожарные потушили огонь, но корпус самолета полностью выгорел. В настоящее время на месте катастрофы работает следственная комиссия МВД Молдавии. Идет поиск «черных ящиков», которые помогут выяснить ее причины. |
13.04.2008*/Germany/NW/near Fronhoven - A small plane crashed killing both occupants on board. */Czech Republic / Vikyrovice/Sumperk - A glider crashed on landing injuring the pilot. 14.04.2008*/US/FL/Okeechobee - A Cessna-152 made an emergency landing on a street injuring both occupants on board. |
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Deadly crash : Flames from the wreckage of a passenger plane are seen after a crash Goma in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. (AFP/Lionel Healing) |
Plane crashes in Congo, killing 44 15.04.2008//13:00 GMT Congo /GOMA - A Congolese airliner with 85 people on board crashed into a market district in the eastern city of Goma on Tuesday, killing 44 people (25 passengers/ 19 people on the ground) and injuring 70, the government said. The Hewa Bora Airways McDonnell Douglas DC-9 ploughed into a crowded neighborhood of Goma, capital of Democratic Republic of Congo's eastern North Kivu Province, after bad weather forced the pilot to abort take-off. Government spokesman said in a broadcast on national television that 44 people were killed and 70 injured in the crash. "With the help of the U.N., we were able to pull out almost all of the passengers before it ignited" The seven crew members had also survived. The plane fell on a populated district. The plane had failed to reach take-off speed because of water lying on the runway after a heavy downpour. When the pilot tried to abort the take-off, the plane skidded through a wall into the market area. |
44 человека погибли и 70 ранены в авиакатастрофе на востоке ДРК 15.04.2008//13:00 по Гринвичу Д. Р. Конго/ Гома - Жертвами авиакатастрофы, произошедшей во вторник возле аэродрома города Гома на востоке Демократической Республики Конго (ДРК), стали 44 человека, еще 70 получили ранения различной степени тяжести. Самолет типа DC-9 с 85 пассажирами на борту, принадлежавший частной конголезской компании Hewa Bora Airways, по неустановленной пока причине при взлете с аэродрома рухнул на расположенный рядом оживленный торговый квартал Бирере (Birere). Среди погибших оказались 19 человек, находившихся в момент катастрофы на земле. По словам очевидцев, в момент падения самолета раздался громкий взрыв. Одно здание оказалось полностью разрушенным, еще несколько строений были охвачены огнем. В ликвидации последствий авиакатастрофы участвуют силы ООН. В минувшую пятницу Евросоюз внес Нewa Bora Airways в "черный список" авиаперевозчиков, которым запрещены полеты в Европу. |
44 загинаха при самолетна катастрофа в Д. Р. Конго 15.04.2008//13:00 по Гринвичу Д. Р. Конго/ Гома - Пътнически самолет McDonnell Douglas DC-9 с регистрационен номер 9Q-CHN, на конгоанската авиокомпания Hewa Bora Airways, катастрофира при излитане на летището в Гома. Екипажът на самолета се опитал да спре ускорения вече самолет и прекрати излитането след като разбрал, че поради водата на полосата след проливния дъжд, разбегът е увеличен. Самолетът напуснал очертанията на полосата и помитайки страничната ограда се врязъл в оживения наблизо пазар. Няколко сгради били разрушени. Загинали 44 души (25 на борда и 19 на земята), а 70 били ранени. |
16.04.2008*/RU/Perm/Kalino - Mi-2 helicopter, operated by Gazpromavia company, crashed after hitting power lines killing 3, injuring 1. |
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The military An-32 plane (reg. 3C-5GE) which crashed off Annobon Island on landing in heavy wind and rain on 16 April. |
Plane crashed off Equatorial Guinea with at least 13 aboard 16.04.2008//13:23 GMT Equatorial Guinea / off Annobon Island A military An-32 plane (reg. 3C-5GE) crashed this week off the coast of Equatorial Guinea with at least 13 people on board. There are no survivors. The Antonov 32 crashed into the ocean Wednesday afternoon after missing the runway at Annobon airport in heavy wind and rain. There were politicians on board who coming from Bata Airport. |
Авиакатастрофa в Экваториальной Гвинее 16.04.2008//13:23 по Гринвичу Среди 13 погибших в авиакатастрофе военного самолета Ан-32 (3C-5GE) разбившегося в среду у берегов Экваториальной Гвинеи, двое граждан Украины. Ан-32 с военной делегацией Экваториальной Гвинеи на борту упал 16 апреля во время перелета между столицей страны Малабо и островом Аннобон. На самолете представители правящей "Демократической партии Гвинеи" направлялись для участия в кампании парламентских выборов, намеченных на 4 мая. Крушение самолета произошло в 700 километрах к юго-западу от Малабо. Вследствие катастрофы погибли пять членов экипажа, из них трое граждан Экваториальной Гвинеи, двое граждан Украины, а также 8 пассажиров, которые входили в состав делегации. |
Авиокатастрофа край бреговете на Екваториална Гвинея 16.04.2008//13:23 по Гринуич - Военен самолет Ан-32 (3C-5GE) пропусна летището на остров Аннобон поради лошото време и бе погълнат от водите на Атлантика. На борда му са се намирали 13 души, от които 5 членен екипаж и делегация от "Демократическата партия на Гвинея". Няма оцелели. |
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Police and army personnel cordon off the site where a military helicopter crashed near Uruapan, Mexico, Friday, April 18, 2008. Eleven soldiers were killed in Mexico air crash. (AP Photo/Agencia Esquema) |
Eleven killed in Mexico air crash 18.04.2008 Mexico/ Michoacan/ Uruapan Eleven Mexican soldiers have been killed in a helicopter crash during anti-drug operations in the western state of Michoacan. The Bell 212 helicopter went down around midday (1800 BST) near Uruapan. Eyewitnesses said they heard the engine cut out as it tried to land. Police have cordoned off the crash site and forensic officers are sifting through the wreckage. Michoacan is a major flashpoint in the government's war against drug cartels. "There are 11 men dead, including a colonel, and one soldier was injured," said a spokesman for the state attorney general's office. Drug-related violence has become a serious issue across Mexico and since taking office in December 2006, President Felipe Calderon has sent some 25,000 soldiers and federal police to key areas to tackle the drug traffickers. Michoacan's hills and avocado fields are said to hide methamphetamine, or "crystal meth" labs, and landing strips for planes moving cocaine to the United States. |
11 погибли при крушении военного вертолета в Мексике 18.04.2008 Мексико/ Мичоакан/ Уруапан 11 погибли в пятницу при крушении военного вертолета Bell 212 в Мексике. Один военнослужащ пострадал тяжело. Инцидент произошел в западном штате Мичоакан. Разбившийся вертолет участвовал в операции по борьбе с наркоторговлей. Неожиданно двитель вертолета переостановил работу и это довело до катастрофы. Мексиканское правительство "объявило войну" организованной преступности и наркогруппировкам в стране. В операции задействованы силы армии, полиции и Федерального агентства расследований (ФАР). По официальным данным, в прошлом году в Мексике было совершено более 2 тысяч убийств, связанных с наркоторговлей. Это самый высокий показатель за последние шесть лет. В основном за такими преступлениями стоят различные преступные группировки, борющиеся за передел сфер влияния в западных и северных штатах страны |
Военен вертолет катастрофира в Мексико 18.04.2008 Мексико/ Мичоакан/ Уруапан Военен вертолет Bell 212 катастрофира в петък край град Уруапан, щата Мичоакан, Мексико. На борда му са се намирали 12 военнослужащи, от които 11 са загинали и един е откаран в болница в крайно тежко състояние. По думите на очевидци, местни фермери - вертолетът се опитвал да кацне, когато неочаквано двигателят му спрял да работи, което и довело до катастрофата. Военнослужащите участвали в операция по разчистване на щата от наркопроизводители и наркотърговци. Терорът на наркомафията достигнал небивали размери в последно време и срещу нея президентът Калдерон е изпратил 25 -хилядна армия и федерална полиция. |
19.04.2008*/Germany/Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport - A Cessna 180K Skywagon plane (D-EIRS) collapsed a landing gear on landing. */US/TX/Berclair - An experimental rotorcraft on departure crashed killing the pilot. 20.04.2008*/China/China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region/Mukui forest - Fourteen people injured on Sunday when a fire fighting helicopter caught fire after landing in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, are out of critical condition. The helicopter with four crew members, nine forestry police and a fire observer on board, caught fire at 5 p.m. just after it landed at the Mukui Forestry Center in the Greater Hinggan Mountains. A seriously-injured member of the party was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. The others were sent to the Inner Mongolia Forestry General Hospital in Yakeshi City on Monday. They suffered burns and bruises. 21.04.2008*/Abkhazia - A Georgia unmanned Hermes-450 plane (reg. 553) was shot down. */US/Iowa/Linn County/Fairfax - A Cessna plane crashed in a field during the night injuring both occupants on board. */US/Tenn./Paris - A crop-dusting ultralight plane crashed killing the pilot. */US/AK/Fort Wainwright - Four crew members received minor injuries when their medevac helicopter caught fire. The helicopter was on the ground when the fire started Saturday night during preflight checks. All four escaped before the helicopter was consumed by fire. They were released after being treated at the base hospital. |
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Passenger plane crash-landed in Coari, Brazil 21.04.2008 Brazil/Amazonas/Coari Airport - A passenger plane, Embraer EMB-110C Bandeirante (reg. PT-OCV), belonged to RICO Linhas Aereas company, from Manaus to Carauari, crash-landed at the Coari Airport. There were 16 people on board, 2 crew-members and 14 passengers, but only one of them was injured. The plane was significantly damaged. |
The Embraer EMB-110C Bandeirante plane (reg. PT-OCV) was significantly damaged. |
22.04.2008*/Greece/Attica/Malakasa - A private helicopter crashed injuring 3 people on board. */US/N.C./Chapel Hill/ Chapel Hill's Horace Williams Airport - A small plane suffered slight damage when part of its landing gear collapsed while landing. */Canada/Calgary/Granum - An ultralight plane crashed killing the pilot. */Brazil - A prier who intended to fly on air balloons is missing. */Czech Republic/Stare Oldrovky - An ultralight plane crashed killing both occupants on board. 23.04.2008*/US/TX/Toledo Bend Reservoir/Sabine County/Hemphill - A Cirrus SR-22 plane crash kills 3 people on board. */US/Miss./Columbus Air Force Base - A Air Force traininig T-38C Talon plane crashed killing both pilots. */US/Ga/Gilmer County - A Piper Cherokee plane crash injures 2 people on board. */US/AZ/Mesa - A small plane, Lankair 4P, crashed shortly after takeoff killing 3 people on board. */US/TX/Skylark Field, Killeen - A Texas Star Aviation's Hughes 269 helicopter was on a training exercises and crashed killing both occupants on board. 24.04.2008*/Gabon/Libreville - Air Service DHC 6 - 300 Twin Otter plane (TR - LGU) while parked was hit and damaged from the wingtip of taxing Antonov 26, tail TR - LIN. */Greece/Mykonos Airport (LGMK) - A Cessna 210N Centurion plane (SX-ASI) crash-landed and was damaged. */France/Quiberon - Quiberon Air Club Robin DR-400 plane (F-GCUS) crashed after takeoff killing 3 people on board. */Venezuela/46 km from Maracay-El Libertador AB (SVBL) - A Cessna-182 plane (YV1205) crashed while was en route killing both occupants on board. 26.04.2008*/US/Ga/Dade County - A hang glider goes down on Lookout Mountain killing the pilot. 27.04.2008*/US/Va/Chesterfield/Genito Forest community off of Hull Street Road - A M-20 plane crashed into a house killing both occupants on board, injuring a woman in the destroyed house. */Italy/Toscana/Arezzo/Camucia - An Evektor-Aerotechnik EV97 Eurostar aircraft crashed killing both occupants on board. */Germany/Torgau/Kreischau - A Piaggio P-149D plane (D-EICD) burnt out after crashed into a field killing both occupants on board. 28.04.2008*/US/TX/Bartlett - A Robinson R-22 helicopter crashed and burnt entirely injuring both occupants on board. */US/Co/Aspen - A hang-glider crashed at the Aspen Highlands ski area injuring slightly the pilot. */Venezuela/Vargas/Catia La Mar - A PA-31 plane crashed into a house killing the co-pilot and 3 people in the house, the pilot and 2 other people were injured. */US/Okla./Miami - A small plane crashed onto the westbound lanes of the Will Rogers Turnpike killing the pilot. */US/New York - A Cessna plane missed the runway, clipped an antenna and crashed slightly injuring both occupants on board. |
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The wreckage of a Ukrainian helicopter that crashed onto an offshore drilling platform in the Black Sea is seen April 28, 2008. The helicopter crashed onto an offshore drilling platform in the Black Sea on Monday, killing all 20 people on board, an emergencies ministry spokesman said. Picture taken April 28, 2008. REUTERS/Handout (UKRAINE). |
Mi-8 crashed in Black Sea, 20 dead
28.04.2008// 06:39 GMT Ukraine/ Respublika Krym/ 40 mls off Mys Tarkhankut/ Tavrida platform Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter, belonged to "Universal-Avia" company and rented by "Naftogaz", crashed onto an offshore drilling platform in the Black Sea on Monday, killing all 20 people on board. Nineteen people were killed on impact and one initially survived, but he later died from his injuries. No one on the platform was injured. The platform, on the West coast off the Crimea, is operated by state energy firm Naftogaz. The Mi-8 helicopter with 20 people on board clipped the Tavrida platform with its tail rotor. The transport and communications minister, Yosip Vinsky said the cause of the accident was still being investigated, adding "Judging by the logic of the initial information, most likely there was a human factor". An Mi-8 belonging to Ukraine's border guards crashed a month ago off an island in the Black Sea, killing 12 people. |
В Черном море разбился вертолет Ми-8, погибли 20 человек 28.04.2008// 06:39 по Гринвичу В 40 милях от мыса Тарханкут (Крым) Украинский вертолет Ми-8, принадлежавший "Universal-Avia" и арендованный компанией «Нафтогаз Украины», разбился утром в понедельник в Черном море. Погибли 19 человек, один пассажир скончался несколькими часами позднее от полученных травм. Авария вертолета, который перевозил очередную вахту работников самоподъемной плавучей буровой установки "Таврида" в 70 км от берега на северо-западного шельфе Черного моря (Штормовое газоконденсатное месторождение), произошла в 9.39. На борту машины, которая упала на платформу, находились 17 вахтовиков и 3 члена экипажа. Сразу погибли 19 человек. Один работник вахтовой смены, получил серьезные травмы, скончался пополудни. Причиной крушения стало то, что вертолет при посадке зацепился задним винтом за систему ограждения вышки плавучей платформы , куда доставлял рабочих. |
Хеликоптер се разби в Черно море 28.04.2008// 06:39 по Гринуич - Украински хеликоптер Ми-8, собсвеност на "Universal-Avia" и отдаден под наем на "Naftogaz", се разби в Черно море и погуби 20 души. Инцидентът станал на платформа за добив на природен газ на 70 км от Кримския полуостров. На борда на машината имало тричленен екипаж и 17 работници, които отивали на смяна. Опашният винт на вертолета се закачил в ограждението на кулата, машината паднала върху платформата и избухнала в пламъци. На място загинали 19 души, а единственият оцелял починал по-късно от раните си. Пожарът бил загасен от аварийната група на платформата. Създадена е правителствена комисия за разследване на причините за катастрофата. |
30.04.2008*/US/AK/Flat Horn Lake - An emergency signal was received by the plane late Tuesday. The plane was found laying flipped over in about 2-3 feet of water. The pilot is missing. |
Officials investigating claims from passengers that the man was intoxicated
30.04.2008 TORONTO - Police on Thursday were investigating the death of a man who became unconscious on a flight from Moscow and could not be revived by passengers or crew members. Police have not released the identity of the man, who died on board an Aeroflot flight that landed in Toronto Wednesday evening. Aeroflot Russian Airlines said that the crew and two passengers who were doctors tried to resuscitate the man, who was pronounced dead upon arrival at Pearson International Airport. Officials were treating the death as suspicious and investigating claims from passengers that the man was intoxicated. An autopsy is being conducted to determine if alcohol was a factor in the man's death. |
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