Боливийски самолет кацна аварийно в Амазонската джунгла 01.02.2008//14:35 по Гринуич. Боливийски самолет Боинг 727 (CP-2429) извърши принудително кацане на поле, обградено от джунглите на Амазонка. Освен леките натъртвания на неколцина от пътуващите 159 души ( 151 пътници и 8 - членен екипаж) може да се каже, че катастрофата завършва без сериозно пострадали като по чудо. Инцидентът станал в източната част на страната, на 3 километра от лeтището на град Тринидад, по време на чартърен полет между Ла Пас и северния град Кобиха. Буря в района на дестинацията принудила екипажа да се насочи за кацане в Тринидад. Аварийното кацане се е наложило поради отказ на двигателите, най-вероятно поради изчерпване на горивото. Дясното крило на самолета е строшено, но корпусът издържал на твърдото приземяване "по корем". Всички пътници сами напуснали самолета. Полетите на Lloyd Aereo Boliviano - LAB бяха спрени за близо една година, заради дългове и юридически проблеми. Приватизираната компания започна да предлага чартърни полети през декември, докато работи за подновяването на търговския си лиценз. |
Пилоты спасли Boeing с людьми 01.02.2008//14:35 по Гринвичу - Пассажирский лайнер Boeing-727 (CP-2429) принадлежащий боливийской авиакомпании - Lloyd Aereo Boliviano-LAB, совершил вынужденную посадку в джунглях Амазонки. Пилотам удалось успешно посадить самолет на оказавшееся поблизости поле. Инцидент произошел на востоке страны, в трех километрах от аэропорта Тринидад. Никто из 151 пассажира и 8 -членный экипаж не пострадал, все пассажиры смогли самостоятельно покинуть самолет. "По счастливой случайности, слава Богу, никто не пострадал", - цитирует РИА "Новости" слова представителя авиакомпании. Пассажиры самолета почувствовали лишь "легкий удар". |
Local media photograph a Boeing 727, flown by Lloyd Aereo Boliviano airline, after it crashed near the eastern lowland city of Trinidad, Bolivia, Friday, Feb. 1, 2008. No deaths were reported. (AP Photo/ Arturo Mariscal) |
Plane crash-lands in Amazonian jungle 01.02.2008//14:35 GMT The Boeing-727-259 (CP-2429) with 159 people on board departed La Paz on a domestic service to Cobija (CIJ). Bad weather at the destination forced the crew to divert to Trinidad (TDD). Reports indicate that the crew carried out a forced landing in an Amazon jungle clearing just short (3 kilometers) of the airport, possibly as a result of fuel exhaustion. All on board survived. The plane belonged to Lloyd Aereo Boliviano - LAB. The airline, known as LAB, was privatized in 1996 and has been in and out of bankruptcy in recent years. It now runs a skeleton fleet of a handful of planes on a charter basis. LAB was operating the Boeing 727 as a charter for Transporte Aereo Militar, another small Bolivian airline. TAM has chartered LAB flights to carry overflow passengers during a heavy Bolivian rainy season that has washed out roads throughout the country. |
Mexican Air Force MI-8 helicopter crashed, 6 soldiers wounded 07.02.2008/20:00 GMT Mexico/Sonora/Empalme - A Mexican Air Force MI-8 helicopter lost power, hit power lines, knocked down power poles, electrical transformers and crashed at 13:00 local time. The chopper was carrying 15 military personnel. Six soldiers were injured, one of them critically. The crashed military helicopter MI-8 with the registration 1808. |
08.02.2008*/Austria/Vols - A Bell-206 helicopter crash kills both pilots. */US/IL/Montgomery County/Litchfield - A Bethalto teenager suffered apparent minor injuries when the single-engine plane he was piloting crashed. */Bolivia/La Paz El Alto Airport - A Boeing 727-200 plane with 85 occupants on board, ran off the runway while landing at 15:35 local time, skidding 50m through the grass. Incident happened half an hour after hailstorm, which made the runway slippery. The aircraft damaged its tyres. 09.02.2008*/US/Ca/Ventura County/near Lake Piru - A small plane crashed after the pilot reported engine trouble, 3 occupants on board were slightly injured. */US/Minn./Austin - A Cessna-140 plane crashed killing the pilot. |
Six Colombia soldiers dead in plane crash 09.02.2008/14:00 GMT Colombia/Caqueta/Montanita Six members of Colombia's military were killed on Saturday when their plane Piper PA-34-220T Seneca (reg. EJC-110) crashed over a jungle area in the southern part of the country where leftist rebels control wide areas. The plane, operated by Ejercito de Colombia, had performed a flight from Florencia, capital of Caqueta province, to San Vicente del Caguan. The military is investigating the crash, which happened at 09:00 local time near the area in Caqueta province where three U.S. anti-drug contractors were kidnapped by the guerrillas in 2003. Americans Thomas Howes, Keith Stansell and Marc Gonsalves are still being held in secret jungle camps by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. They will complete five years in captivity this month. Bad weather may be a cause for the crash. |
Шесть военных погибли в Колумбии при крушении самолета 09.02.2008/14:00 по Гринвичу Колумбия/Какета/Монтанита Шесть колумбийских военнослужащих погибли в субботу при крушении военного самолета Piper PA-34-220T Seneca (EJC-110) в джунглях на юге страны. Самолет, принадлежавший авиакомпании Ejercito de Colombia, выполнял полет от Флоренции к Сан Висенте дел Кагуан и упал в горной местности недалеко от города Монтанита. Инцидент произошел в департаменте Какета. Вероятная причина авиакатастрофы - плохая погода во время полета. |
The wreckage of the plane which crashed near Montanita, Colombia, killing 6 military personnel on 09 Feb. 2008. Photo: Jorge Eliecer Quintero / EL TIEMPO |
Шест военнослужащи загинали при авиокатастрофа в Колумбия 09.02.2008/14:00 по Гринвичу Колумбия/Какета/Монтанита Самолет Piper PA-34-220T Seneca (EJC-110) принадлежащ на авиооператора Ejercito de Colombia, катастрофира в планински и труднодостъпен район край гр.Монтанита, Колумбия, докато изпълнявал полет от Флоренция за Сан Висенте дел Кагуан. Загинали са шестте военонслужащи на борда, сред които и офицери от колумбийското военно разузнаване. Сложните метеорологични условия в района по време на полета се счита, че са довели до катастрофата. |
11.02.2008*/Iceland/50 nautical miles west of Reykjanes peninsula - A Cessna-310 plane crashed into the ocean in stormy weather, the pilot missing. 12.02.2008*/US/Guam Isl./20 miles NE of Andersen AFB - An U.S. Navy Grumman EA-6B Prowler plane went down at sea off Guam Island. All four crew members ejected. They were picked up by the Navy helicopters within thirty minutes. The plane was attached to the USS Kittyhawk Strike Group. */US/Colo./Centennial - A vintage single-engine airplane skids off the runway while landing at Centennial airport Tuesday afternoon. Officials said the T-34 Mentor lost power while in flight and the pilot decided to turn around. The pilot used a hand crank to lower the landing gear but was not able to get the gear locked before landing. The gear collapsed on landing, causing the plane to veer off the runway and stop in the grass. */Venezuela/Caracas/Simon Bolivar Airport (CCS) - After leaving the hangar at Simon Bolivar Airport (CCS), the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 (YV298T), operated by Aserca Airlines company, could not be stopped. It crossed a runway and came to rest next to runway 10L. It sustained substantial damage to the left hand wing and landing gear. 13.02.2008*/Australia/Western Australia/Kennedy Range National Park in WA's Gascoyne region - Two people are dead but two more have survived a mid-air collision between a helicopter and a light aircraft in a remote part of Western Australia. The two survivors had only minor injuries. */US/Utah/over Salt Lake valley - Turbulence over Salt Lake injures 3 flight attendants in flight of Frontier Airlines plane with 125 passengers on board. */US/Ariz./near Casa Grande - Navy SEAL dies in parachute training accident. */US/N.C./Carteret County/Open Grounds Farm near South River - The pilot of an AV-8B Harrier jet bailed out and parachuted to safety just before the plane crashed nose-down into a field. */US/Kan./Reno County/Sterling - A small plane crash kills the pilot. |
Experts examine a wreckage of Belarus' Belavia Airlines Canadair CRJ-100, which was heading for Minsk, Belarus, when it flipped over on the runway at Zvartnots Airport near Yerevan and burst into flames on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008. The plane carrying 21 people crashed on takeoff from Armenia's capital early Thursday, injuring at least 10 people, the head of the country's civil aviation authority said. (AP Photo/ Photolure/ Melik Bagdhdasaryan ) |
Belarussian plane crashes in Armenia 14.02.2008/00:19 GMT Armenia/Yerevan A Belarussian passenger plane caught fire and crashed at the airport of the Armenian capital Yerevan on Thursday. The 18 passengers and three crew members survived the crash but 11 people were injured. Seven of them were taken to hospital. The Canadian-built CRJ-100LR (EW-101PJ) owned by carrier Belavia and bound for Belarus's capital Minsk caught fire and crashed from low altitude after hitting the runway on take-off at 4.19 a.m. (0019 GMT). "Four people with serious burns were hospitalised. Nearly everyone on board received burns of various degrees". Flights to and from Yerevan's Zvartnots Airport were halted temporarily. |
В аэропорту Еревана разбился самолет 14.02.2008/00:19 по Гринвичу Армения/Ереван 14 февраля 2008 года в 02.19 по минскому времени в аэропорту «Звартноц» города Ереван (Республика Армения) при вылете рейса В2-1834 Ереван-Минск произошла авария самолета CRJ-100LR (EW-101PJ) Национальной авиакомпании «Белавиа». Воздушное судно разрушено, частично сгорело. На борту воздушного судна находилось 18 пассажиров и 3 члена экипажа. Пассажиры являются гражданами Беларуси, Армении, Грузии, России и Украины. Набирая высоту, лайнер коснулся крылом взлетно-посадочной полосы и упал. На борту возник пожар. Слаженная работа пожарных, спасателей и медиков позволила потушить огонь и эвакуировать пассажиров и членов экипажа. Жертв нет. Пассажирам на месте оказана необходимая медицинская помощь, 11 человек получили ранения разной степени тяжести, в том числе ожоги. 7 человек госпитализированы. В настоящее время пассажиры размещены в гостиницах и у родственников. Решается вопрос по их доставке в Минск. |
На летището в Ереван се разби самолет 14.02.2008/00:19 по Гринуич Армения/Ереван Пътнически самолет на белоруската авиокомпания "Белавия" се разби при излитане от летище "Звартноц" в град Ереван. Самолетът CRJ-100LR (EW-101PJ) изпълнявал полет В2-1834 Ереван-Минск с 21 човека на борда, от които 18 пътници и 3-членен екипаж. При излитането се наклонил, закачил с лявото си крило полосата, паднал на нея, преобърнал се и възпламенил. Само бързите и професионални действоия на спасителите предотвратили фаталния край за хората на борда. Няма жертви, но 11 от пътниците са с различни по тежест наранявания, в това число и изгаряния. Седем от тях са настанени в болница. Тече разследване за причините довели до катастрофата с участието на специалисти от авиокомпанията "Белавия", авиационната администрация на Армения и междудържавния авиационен комитет (МАК). |
16.02.2008*/US/Kan./Butler County/near Wichita - after takeoff from Benton Airport - A small plane crashed killing 1 man. 17.02.2008*/Near the Dominican Republic in the Atlantic/75 miles north-west of the town of Puerto Plata - A former vet from south Wales who crashed his Piper Club World War II plane into the ocean during a solo flight has been rescued near the Dominican Republic in the Atlantic. The pilot injured. */US/Va/Ronald Reagan National Airport - 2 Planes Strike Wings On Taxiway Two U.S. Airways planes clipped each other’s wings Sunday morning while taxiing to take off at Reagan National Airport. One passenger was transported to an area hospital after complaining of back pain, all other passengers and crew members were able to safely exit the planes and taken back to the terminal on buses. The incident took place around 10:25 Sunday morning. Damage to the planes is described as minimal. One plane is an Airbus 319 operated by U.S. Airways and was headed to New York LaGuardia Airport. The second plane is a Embraer Regional Jet operated by Republic Airways under the U.S. Airways Express name and was destined for Rochester, New York. */US/Ca/Nevada County/Nevada City - A small plane crashed on property off Jacks Road in Nevada City killing the pilot. */US/TX/Plano - A small airplane came in for a landing but the pilot thought he was coming in too fast and decide to lift off and try again. The plane briefly touched down on the air strip but as it pulled up to circle around it did not get enough altitude and clipped a small tree. The tree damaged the prop and the wing of the aircraft, causing it to hit the ground and skid on to International Parkway near the corner of West Plano Parkway 18.02.2008*/Venezuela/Caico Seco - A Cessna-650 Citation III (N385EM) crashed and disintegrated in a field en route between Valencia (VLN) and Puerto Ordaz (PZO) in Venezuela killing 3 people on board. 19.02.2008*/Myanmar/Myit Kyi Na - A domestic passenger carrier Aerospatiale ATR-72-212 plane broke down at an airport in Northern Burma on Tuesday afternoon after failing to take-off due to engine failure. The Air Bagan flight, scheduled to take off for Myit Kyi Na to Putao town in Burma's northern state of Kachin, broke down after overrunning the airport's runway for nearly three hundred feet as it fail to take-off, a source close to the airline said. The pilot broke his arm, but none of the 57 passengers on board were killed. The plane was damage on left wing and on the main body. While there were no casualties and major injuries, a foreign tourist was reported suffering from slight injury as he was leaving the Aircraft from an emergency exit. |
S. Korean army helicopter crashes near mountain, killing 7 19.002.2008//16:40 GMT South Korea/Gyeonggi Province/ near a mountain in Yangpyong - A South Korean army helicopter crashed into a mountain near Seoul early Wednesday, killing all seven people on board. The UH-1H went down in Yangpyong, about 25 miles east of Seoul around 1:40 a.m. (1640 GMT). Two pilots, two medical officers and three soldiers died when the aircraft crashed while returning to base after transporting an emergency patient to a military hospital. One woman was among the dead. Soldiers were recovering the bodies from the mountain to transport them to a military hospital. The chopper disappeared from radar and lost communications shortly before the accident. |
South Korean military officers investigate the crashed army helicopter UH-1H in Yangpyong, east of Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008. A South Korean army helicopter crashed into a mountain near Seoul early Wednesday, killing all seven people on board, an army official said. (AP Photo/ Yonhap, Shin Young-keun) |
Военный вертолет упал в Южной Корее, погибли семь человек 19.002.2008//16:40 по Гринвичу Южная Корея/недалеко от Сеула Военный вертолет потерпел крушение в среду в Южной Кореи, погибли семь человек. Вертолет UH-1H рухнул на землю возле горы недалеко от столицы страны Сеула в ночь на среду. Жертвами аварии стали семь человек. Среди погибших была и женщина. |
Военен вертолет се разби в Южна Корея, седем загинали 19.002.2008//16:40 по Гринуич Южна Корея/ 33 км източно от Сеул Военен вертолет UH-1H се разби в полите на планината Yangpyong недалече от Сеул. Загинали са двамата пилоти, двама военни лекари и трима други военнослужащи. Сред загиналите е и жена. Инцидентът станал при завръщането на вертолета към авиобазата му след транспортирането на пациент по спешност. |
The Santa Barbara Airlines' ATR-42-300 plane (reg. YV1449) minutes before the tragedy. |
No survivors in Venezuelan plane crash 21.02.2008//22:00 GMT Venezuela/near Merida A Venezuelan passenger plane slammed into a steep mountainside in the Andes, killing all 46 people on board. Search teams reached the remote site by helicopter and had to lower themselves with ropes onto the "complicated" mountainous terrain. "The impact was direct. The aircraft is practically pulverized," firefighter Sgt. Jhonny Paz told the Venezuelan television channel Globovision. President Hugo Chavez declared that "Venezuela is in mourning" and called for a full investigation. The French-made ATR 42-300 (reg. YV1449) carrying 43 passengers and three crew members crashed Thursday at an altitude of 13,500 feet in an area known as Los Conejos plateau within the Sierra La Culata National Park, officials said. The plane went down about 6 miles from the airport in the Andean city of Merida, where the Santa Barbara Airlines flight 518 departed for Caracas. Once the plane took off, the control tower received no further communication from the pilot, according to Jorge Alvarez, president of the small domestic carrier Santa Barbara. Three helicopters were sent to the crash site, where winds and cloudy skies made it tricky to drop off emergency workers. Relatives and friends of the victims gathered in tears, some of them embracing, at Simon Bolivar International Airport near Caracas. Aircraft manufacturer ATR, based in Toulouse, France, said specialists from the company and the French Accident Bureau were leaving immediately to assist in a probe. The weather was normal for Merida on Thursday, with some areas sunny and fog at higher elevations. Among the dead were the mayor of a small town in Merida state, Alexander Quintero; his 11-year-old boy; and two young relatives of federal Public Safety Vice Minister Tarek El Aissami. |
При крушении самолета в Венесуэле пассажиры и экипаж погибли 21.02.2008//22:00 по Гринвичу Венесуэла/Мерида Все 46 пассажиров и членов экипажа, находившихся на борту самолета, который разбился в пятницу в венесуэльских Андах, погибли. Самолет был обнаружен в пятницу венесуэльским поисково-спасательным вертолетом. Самолет с 46 пассажирами и членами экипажа на борту, выполнявший рейс 518 из Мериды в Каракас, пропал с экранов радаров. Как заявил начальник гражданской обороны штата Мериды Ноэль Маркес (Noel Marquez), самолет ATR-42-300 (reg. YV1449) принадлежит авиакомпании "Санта Барбара". По предварительным данным, на его борту находились 43 пассажира и три члена экипажа. Многие жители горных поселений заявляли о том, что слышали сильный грохот, который мог быть вызван именно крушением авиалайнера. В январе этого года у берегов Венесуэлы уже произошла трагедия с участием подобного самолета из серии ATR-42. Лайнер, на борту которого находились 14 человек, упал в Карибское море. Все находившиеся на его борту погибли. |
Самолет катастрофира във Венецуела, 46 загинали 21.02.2008//22:00 по Гринуич Венецуела/Мерида Самолет ATR-42-300 (reg. YV1449) принадлежащ на венецуелската авиокомпания Santa Barbara Airlines и изпълняващ полет 518 от Мерида за Каракас катастрофира на около 10 км от летището на Мерида в Андите на височина около 3700-4000 м в района на платото Los Conejos. Всички от намиращите се на борда 46 души (43 пътници и 3-членен екипаж) са загинали. Сред загиналите е кметът на малък град в щата Мерида и неговият 11-годишен син, както и роднини на пом. министъра на Обществената безопасност на страната. Самолетът излетял в 16:59 м.вр. (21:29 по Гринуич), но след като не отговорил на рутинните повиквания на две контролни кули, започнало издирването му. Хеликоптер на спасителните екипи го открил в Андите пръснат на дребни парченца, сред които единствено парче от опашната част на фюзелажа може да се разпознае. Местните чули тътена от катастрофата. Въпреки, че летището в Мерида е заобиколено от високи планини и според пилоти, излитането от там изисква специална подготовка, едва ли това е причина за катастрофата, тъй-като екипажът на самолета бил достатъчно опитен. Времето също е било благоприятно за полети, въпреки настъпващия сумрак и мъглата по високите части на планината. Черните кутии на самолета са открити и предстои разследването да разбули причините довели до трагедията. |
23.02.2008*/US/N.C./Charlotte-Douglas International Airport - Two US Airways flights were delayed when wingtips bumped and broke navigation lights as the jets were being pushed back from a terminal. The flights involved were Flight 1857 from Charlotte to Orlando and Flight 1586 to Philadelphia. */Iraq/Iraq's Kurdish Autonomous Region/Dihuk - Turkish Cobra attack helicopter shot down, (2 crew ?). 24.02.2008*/US/Va/Dulles International Airport - Two United Airlines planes are being inspected after their wings touched at Dulles International Airport outside Washington. A Boeing 737 and a smaller Embraer aircraft were preparing for departure Sunday evening when their wings touched. They were on the taxiway. 25.02.2008*/US/N.Y. - American Airlines on Monday insisted it tried to help a passenger who died after complaining she couldn't breathe, and disputed the account of a relative who said that she was denied oxygen and that medical devices failed. The airline said the oxygen tanks and a defibrillator were working and noted that several medical professionals on Flight 896, including a doctor, tried to save passenger Carine Desir, 44, who had heart disease. */Turkey/Istanbul - A British GB Airlines co-pilot died during a flight from UK to Cyprus. The Airbus 320-232 (G-TTOD) plane made an emergency landing in Istanbul, Turkey. 26.02.2008*/US/WY/Jackson Hole Airport - Plane Slides off Runway in Jackson Hole Nearly 120 passengers endured a bumpy landing at the Jackson Hole Airport Monday night. United Flight 267 from Denver landed, but was unable to stop at the end of the runway. The Airbus A-320 plane (reg. N442UA) came to a stop 200 feet past the runway in piles of snow 6-7' deep, where a brief engine fire started. Two engines are heavily damaged. The emergency exits deployed, and passengers were evacuated down the chutes. *19:30 GMT//Brazil/Macae/ 109 km off the coast - Accident with a helicopter in Brazil A Super Puma - AS332L2 model, manufactured in 2002 helicopter, reg. PP-MUM, of the company BHS Taxi Aereo, which provides service to Petrobras, made a forced landing, around 16:30 h local time of this Tuesday-Thursday, in Macae, North Fluminense, with 17 passengers on board, and three crew members. Petrobras informed that there are 4 dead, 15 survivors - 1 of them injured, and 1 missing. The accident occurred near the platform P-18, in the Marlim field in the Campos Basin, 109 km from the coast. The Federal Police should open investigation to determine the causes of the accident, but according to report of the co-pilot ,Sergio Ricardo Muller, the accident was caused by a failure in the tail rotor of the aircraft. |
The charred remains of a Cessna 210 smolder Wednesday in Penalolen, a Santiago suburb. |
27.02.2008*/12:50 GMT//Chile/Santiago - Chile police plane crashes in capital, kills 11 A small police Cessna-210M Centurion (reg. CC-KKU) plane crashed into a sports field in Chile's capital on Wednesday, killing at least 11 people including five who were exercising in a public park, officials said. The plane crashed shortly after taking off from a nearby airfield. It had experienced technical difficulties and the pilot was attempting an emergency landing onto the field in Santiago's Penalolen municipality, police said. The plane's six occupants -- two flight instructors and four students aged 18 to 20 -- died. Five other people, including a woman and her 4-year-old child, were killed on the ground on the playing field as they tried to escape the plane. Witnesses said it nose-dived into the area where they were exercising and burst into flames. "I saw the plane hit some railings, I saw the flames and I saw people I knew screaming ... . The ladies were on the ground and we were throwing them wet towels," said Bernarda Espinoza, whose house sits 20 yards (meters) from where the Cessna plane crashed. At least 15 people were injured on the field where the plane hit the ground. Some 30 grandmothers, mothers and children were there at the time. "Grandmothers and children were doing aerobics. Most of them managed to escape, but some were trapped," one witness told local television. Penalolen is a middle-class neighborhood in southeastern Santiago that has seen rapid growth in recent years. A technical failure is supposed to be the cause of the tragedy. |
01.02.2008*/US/ME/West Gardiner - The plane, a Cessna Citation C-525 (N 102 PT) crashed in a heavily wooded area near Melissa Drive shortly after it took off from the Augusta State Airport at 5:45 p.m. yesterday. The both occupants on board - an Internet entrepreneur from Colorado and one of her children (10 year-old) died. The plane is registered to Jeanette Symons of San Francisco, CA, according to Federal Aviation Administration officials. */RU/Murmansk/Krasnostel'e - A Mi-2 helicopter made an emergency landing. One survived, two occupants missing. */09:25 GMT//RU/Krasnodar region/Armavir - A training plane L-39 of the Russian Air Force crashed. The pilot ejected. 02.02.2008*/US/FL/Lake County/Fruitland Park - A 2002 Kitfox homebuilt plane was flying low, stuck a power line, dropped into the field and burst into flames. */US/WA/Everett/Paine Field - A 1972 Bellanca Viking plane lost its right wing when it clipped some power lines and crashed injuring the pilot. */US/Utah/Utah County/Point of the Mountain - A paraglider was attempting to land when he clipped the cliff and fell into a ravine injured. */UK/Edinburgh-Turnhouse Airport - A Fokker F-27 Friendship 500 cargo plane (TC-MBG), belonging to MNG Airlines, collided with a ground power unit, while taxiing. The right hand engine was damaged. */US/Ca/Riverside County/Banning - The Cessna 340 plane with tail number N354TJ, owned by the Bybyks, crashed near Mallard Canyon in rugged terrain at about 4,500-foot elevation killing 4 occupants on board. 03.02.2008*/US/Wisc./Lake Winnebago/near Stockbridge - A home built plane crashed Sunday afternoon on frozen Lake Winnebago injuring the pilot. */US/Ca/Maricopa - A HARMON ROCKET II experimental plane crash kills the 45-year-old pilot. 04.02.2008*/US/Kansas/Chanute - A small plane bounced on the landing, ran off the runway and collapsed the gear. 06.02.2008*/09:40 GMT//Pakistan/South Waziristan/Tanai - Pakistani army 'copter crash kills 8 Eight soldiers including Kohat General Officer Commanding (GOC) Major General Javed Sultan were killed when an army helicopter crashed in South Waziristan on Wednesday. The US-made Bell 412 came down near Tanai in Ahmedzai Wazir areas minutes after it took off from Wana at 2:40pm. “We lost seven commissioned and one non-commissioned officer in the crash,” army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told Daily Times. Maj Gen Athar Abbas ruled out the possibility of hostile action. “It was a technical fault that caused the crash,” he told Daily Times. Maj Gen Javed Sultan was in charge of military operations against tribal and foreign militants linked to Al Qaeda and Taliban. Brigadier Afzal Cheema, Brigadier Saeed Khan, Lieutenant Colonel Omar Farooq, Captain Shehzad, Captain Naveed (pilot), Captain Haroon (pilot) and crew chief Naik Amir also died in the crash. The army spokesman said rescue teams had found the crash site (near Wana-Jandola Road) and were retrieving the bodies. “The rescue teams are on the site and busy in the rescue operations.” The crash comes at a time when the military was pushing hard against Baitullah Mehsud-led militants in South Waziristan. A military official said the militants did not have the capability to shoot down the helicopter. “We have received no information so far that they have a weapon that can bring down a helicopter,” he said on condition of anonymity. In 2006, militants were able to damage a door of a combat helicopter in North Waziristan using an improvised rocket. The helicopter reached its destination safe. 07.02.2008*/New Zealand/Christchurch International Airport- A May Day call was made from the plane - an Air National flight operated by Eagle Air travelling from Blenheim to Christchurch - saying a female passenger had attacked the pilots. She was forced out of the cockpit, but claimed she had a bomb on board. The plane Jetstream J32 (ZK-ECN) made an emergency landing safely and was taxied to an isolated part of the airfield. Three people were injured. Both pilots had suffered minor injuries.The female attacker was arrested. */Netherlands/Oud-Beijerland - A Bellanca 8KCAB-180CS Super Decathlon 180 plane ( reg. PH-KYK) made an emergency landing in a field after the engine caught fire. The airplane overturned and burned out. */Dominican Republic/El Seibo - A Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander plane (reg. HI-653CA), belonging to Caribair aircompany, crash-landed following engine failure. The plane was damaged. */Canada/B.C./Golden - A helicopter, Bell-212 belonging to Purcell Helicopter Skiing Ltd, carrying nine people on a heli-skiing trip in southeastern B.C. crashed near Golden, B.C., on Thursday afternoon, killing the pilot and injuring 2 men. |
28.02.2008*/ 09:55 GMT//Kazakhstan/Kyzylorda - Helicopter crash kills five in Kazakhstan A helicopter belonging to the Kazakh Emergency Situations Ministry crashed down in the Zhalagash district, the Kyzylorda region of the republic on Thursday. Five people were killed, several other people were injured in the helicopter crash. The helicopter Mi-8 carrying 18 people crashed at 3.55 p.m. local time (12.55 Moscow time). The helicopter crash killed a pilot, a press secretary of the chief of the regional authorities, a deputy chief of the regional emergencies department. Other 13 injured people were hospitalized with various injuries to the district hospital in Zhalagash. The helicopter was carrying governor of the Kyzylorda region Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed, who was brought to the intensive therapy ward with concussion, shoulder and breast injuries. The emergency helicopter was on flight over the Syr-Darya River to examine the flood situation. A committee set up for the investigation of the incident flied to the scene. Along with emergency workers the committee included medics and transport workers. |
The wreckage of the helicopter Mi-8, crashed on Thursday in the Zhalagash killing 5 and injuring 13 people on board. |
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