08.07.2008*/Australia/Flinders Ranges National Park/ Wilpena Pound - A light helicopter crashed. */US/OH/Cleveland Hopkins International Airport - About 100 passengers boarding a Continental Airlines plane at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport were evacuated Tuesday afternoon when the tail of the plane caught fire. No one on the 737 headed to Tampa, Fla., was injured. The airport's fire department responded to the fire about 3:30 p.m. It was quickly extinguished and there was no interior damage. */China/Hong Kong International Airport - A passenger plane collided with an engineering vehicle at the Hong Kong International Airport Tuesday morning and no one was hurt. The accident took place at about 11:53 a.m. (0353 GMT) when an Air China's flight CA103 from Tianjin bumped into an engineering vehicle after it landed safely at the parking apron and headed toward the parking gate. Eyewitness said the wing was damaged after the collision accident and the driver of the vehicle got away from the vehicle safely. All the passengers on board left the plane safely and no one was hurt during the accident. */US/Nevada/Boulder City - A small Cessna plane has crashed in the desert. */Bulgaria/Varna - A military transport plane of the Bulgarian Air Force suffered an accident around noon on Tuesday while landing at the civil airport of Bulgaria's Black Sea city of Varna. As the Spartan C -27J plane was landing, a strong gust of find from the left caused it to bend to the right. As a result its right propeller hit the ground, and broke. 09.07.2008*/Brazil/Parana/Primeiro de Maio - Agricultural AIR TRACTOR AT-402B plane (reg. PR-GRV) crashed injuring the pilot. */Portugal/Estrada do Guincho - Aerobatica Extra 300/L plane (reg. D-EMCK) made a emergency landing in a road, crashing against two motorvehicles. No injuries. */Estonia/ Parnu - Piper PA-28 crashed on approach killing the pilot. 10.07.2008*/US/Ca/Stanislaus County/Patterson - A crop-dusting plane crashed in a field. */US/MT/Madison County/Ennis Lake - A Sea Ray plane crashed in the Ennis Lake and was damaged. |
wAdditional News: Фарнборо - 2008 (Фотогалерея) |
Американски стратегически
бомбардировач Б-52 се разби край Гуам 20.07. 2008//23:45 по Гринуич Американски бомбардировач Б-52 с шест души на борда се разби до остров Гуам в понеделник около 09:45 часа местно време. Спасителни екипи на бреговата охрана и американските военно морски сили претърсват зоната на инцидента.Телата на трима души от екипажа са били открити във водата. Надеждата да има оцелели сред останалите членове на екипажа намалява с времето. Катастрофиралият В-52 Stratofortress е излетял от авиобазата Андерсен на о-в Гуам за участие във въздушния парад организиран в Деня на освобождението - празник, ознаменуващ деня, в който американците си възвръщат контрола върху о-в Гуам от японците. Същият се числи към авиобазата в Барксдейл, щата Луизиана, и е един от деветте бомбардировачи предислоцирани на о-в Гуам за изпълнение на задачи през следващите 3 месеца. Трудно е да си представим какво му се е случило при благоприятните метеорологични условия на полета и типичната му надеждност изразяваща се в тяговъоръжеността му от 8 двигателя Pratt & Whitney (TF33-P-3/103 turbofan). Знае се, че е бил без въоръжение на борда. Медиите не съобщават и за разменени реплики на екипажа с контролната кула, които да разкриват възникнал технически проблем по време на полета. Според медиите САЩ разполагат с 93 броя Б-52Н в състояние да изпълняват задачи. Стойността на един Б-52 се оценява през 1998 г. на 53. 4 млн американски долара. |
Mi-8T crashed at Varginskoe oil field Utair aviation official report 02.07.2008 The UTair Aviation Mi-8T helicopter (side number 22599) was crushed 290 km to the east from Noyabrsk city (Yamal-Nenets autonomous area) at 9:40 a.m. on July 2nd. As the result several passengers were died and aircraft was destroyed. The helicopter with 13 passengers (shift workers) and 3 aircrew members aboard departed on time and followed by rout Noyabrsk—Yasniy (helipad near Noyabrsk)—Varginskoe field. According to preliminary information the helicopter overturned at planned landing and burnt. 9 passengers died, all aircrew members are alive. The company’s forces perform crash-rescue actions on the crash site currently. This accident will be investigated by specialists of Intergovernmental aviation committee. |
01.07.2008*/UK/England/Dorset/Bournemouth Airport - Robinson R-22 (?) helicopter crash-landed south east of the threshold of runway 26. 02.07.2008*/Poland/Lososina Dolna - A private Zlin-526 plane (reg. SP-KSM) made an emergency landing and was damaged injuring both occupants on board. */Venezuela/near Caracas - Piper PA-31T Cheyenne II light plane (reg. YV1165) crashes en route killing all three people aboard. */Switzerland/Hinterrhein - Diamond DA-42 plane crash-landed on a glacier at altitude of 3000 meters injuring 2 Dutch occupants on board. */RU/Leningrad div./Luga/Torkovichi - A Cessna plane (reg. 67706) struck power lines and crashed into the lake of Antonovo killing the pilot. */US/GA/Cleveland - An experimental plane crash kills the pilot. */US/Ca/Fillmore - A Cessna-152 plane crash kills the pilot. */US/Ca/Sierra County/Sierraville - RV-6 plane crashed killing the pilot. |
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В катастрофе вертолета на Ямале выжили семь человек, 9 погибли 02.07.2008//05:40 по Гринвичу Ямало-Ненетц/ Варгинское месторождение Авиакомпания "ЮТэйр" официально подтвердила крушение на Ямале принадлежащего ей вертолета. В компании заявили, что 2 июля в 11:40 (9:40 мск) в 290 км восточнее города Ноябрьска произошло авиационное происшествие с вертолетом Ми-8Т UTair Aviation (бортовой номер RA-22599), приведшее к разрушению воздушного судна и гибели пассажиров. На борту находилось 13 пассажиров и три члена экипажа. Вертолет вылетел по расписанию по маршруту Ноябрьск - Ясный (вертолетная площадка под Ноябрьском) - Варгинское месторождение. По предварительной информации, при выполнении запланированной посадки на площадку, вертолет опрокинулся на бок и загорелся. По сообщению компании, все члены экипажа живы. Среди погибших - девять пассажиров. В настоящее время на месте происшествия силами авиакомпании продолжаются аварийно-спасательные работы. Расследование авиационного происшествия проведут специалисты Межгосударственного авиационного комитета. Список погибших и пострадавших пассажиров: погибли - Аллахвердиев Иламат Ахмедоглы, стропальщик (21.09.1962); Гуз Александр Иванович, ведущий инженер-технолог (06.02.1949); Гущин Валерий Васильевич, ведущий инженер (28.01.1960); Коваль Андрей Александрович, техник АСУ (20.04.1989); Колтаков Михаил Николаевич, начальник отдела (20.08.1957); Непийвода Владимир Михайлович, замглавного механика (29.05.1957); Нурмухаметов Шайхинур Шамилович, плотник РСУ (01.07.1960); Сегбатов Виталий Олегович, начальник участка ПВО (16.09.1976); Сухочев Иван Иванович, стропальщик (02.05.1974); четыре сотрудника компании находятся в реанимации центральной городской больницы Ноябрьска - Локтионов Николай Алексеевич, электрогазосварщик (02.10.1958), Пузеев Виктор Александрович, электромеханик (21.04.1954), Скобелев Сергей Борисович, слесарь (01.05.1974), Судаков Олег Геннадьевич, станочник РСУ (17.01.1974). |
В Ямало-Ненетц катастрофира вертолет, 9 загинали 02.07.2008//05:40 по Гринуич Русия/ Ямало-Ненетц/ Варгинско находище Вертолет Ми-8Т, с регистрационен номер RA-22599 и принадлежащ на авикомпанията UTair Aviation, катастрофира при опит за планово кацане на площадката на Варгинското нефтено находище. Вертолетът е изпълнявал полет по разписание от Ноябърск. Кацането било доста твърдо, при което вертолетът се обърнал странично и запалил. На борда му имало 16 души, от които 3 екипаж и 13 нефтодобивчици. Девет от тях загинали, а останалите 7 оцелели, защото успели да се измъкнат своевременно от горящия хеликоптер. Четирима са настанени в болницата в Ноябърск в крайно тежко състояние. За разследване причините за катастрофата са изпратени експерти на МАК, а прокуратурата е образувала дознание по обстоятелствата на произшествието. |
03.07.2008*/Romania/Ilfov/Stefanesti - Eurojet An-2 crop duster crashed because of engine failure and immediately caught fire. */US/S.C./North Myrtle Beach - A banner plane crashed in the ocean slightly injuring the pilot. */Morocco/near Rabat/Sale military base - A military helicopter crash kills 2 officials Mauritanos and injures 4 other officials (2 Mauritanos and 2 Moroccans). */US/R.I./Middletown/Newport State Airport - A small plane crashed on takeoff killing 2 and injuring 1 aboard. Later, on 15.09.2008, the injured man died. */US/Iowa/Iowa City - A small plane crash injures the pilot. 04.07.2008*/US/Ca/Orange County/Sunset Beach - A Cessna-152 banner plane went down 30 feet off the coast injuring slightly the pilot. */Switzerland/Bever - Glaser DG-800 plane crash kills 54-year-old pilot. */Tanzania/Arusha - Two Tanzanian wildlife officials and their pilot were killed Friday when their light aircraft crashed in the country's northern region of Arusha. */US/N.J./Delaware Bay - Paramount Air Service Piper plane crashed. 05.07.2008*/US/TN/Fayette County/Rossville - A Vector-USA LLC (from Olive Branch) Cessna plane crashed shortly after takeoff killing the pilot. */US/N.Y/Fulton County/Johnstown - A 1947 Cessna plane crash-landed and ended up on its top near the side of the runway slightly injuring the pilot. */Japan/Shimokita Peninsula/Oma-zaki - A TV helicopter with 4 people on board missing. 06.07.2008*/US/MN/Benson - Benson Air Ag' Aero Commander S2R plane (reg. N5519X) had been spraying a wheat field when the plane hit a power line and crashed. |
Cargo plane from Willow Run Airport in Michigan crashes in Mexico, kills pilot 06.07.2008//07:15 GMT RAMOS ARIZPE, Mexico -- A plane carrying auto parts for a General Motors Corp. plant in Mexico crashed Sunday at 2:15 a.m. as it was attempting to land in Ramos Arizpe, Mexico, killing the pilot and seriously injuring the co-pilot, U.S. officials said. Mexican officials said the co-pilot suffered second- and third-degree burns and remained in critical condition at a hospital in the nearby city of Saltillo. Don McNeff, spokesman for the plane's operator, Ypsilanti-based USA Jet Airlines, said the DC-9-15 freighter (reg. N199US) left Willow Run Airport on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. for Hamilton, Ontario, to pick up cargo, then flew from Hamilton to Shreveport, La., to clear customs. The intended destination was Saltillo, the capital city of the northeast Mexican state of Coahuila. "The accident occurred just outside the airport," said McNeff. Both crew-members were U.S. citizens. The National Transportation Safety Board has sent investigators to aid Mexican authorities in finding possible causes for the crash, but no developments have been made in the investigation, McNeff said. |
В Мексике разбился грузовой самолет; пилот погиб 06.07.2008//07:15 по Гринвичу Мексико/Рамос Ариспе Не севере Мексики недалеко от города Рамос-Ариспе разбился американский грузовой самолет с автозапчастями на борту, в результате чего один пилот погиб, второй получил тяжелые ранения. Об этом сообщили власти Мексики и США. Самолет упал на землю, не долетев одного км до посадочной полосы. По словам представителя авиакомпании USA Jet Airlines, оба летчика были гражданами США; второй пилот получил ожоги второй и третьей степени тяжести и в настоящий момент находится в госпитале. Самолет марки DC-9-15 (бортовой номер N199US), летевший из Канады, перевозил четыре тонны автомобильных запчастей для завода в Рамос-Ариспе. |
Товарен самолет се разби в Мексико; един от пилотите е загинал 06.07.2008//07:15 по Гринуич Мексико/ Коахуила/ Рамос Ариспе Товарен самолет DC-9-15 с регистрационен номер N199US и собственост на авиокомпанията USA Jet Airlines, се разбил на километър от полосата за кацане в Рамос Ариспе. Двамата летци са граждани на САЩ. Единият е загинал, а другият с изгаряния от втора и трета степен е настанен за лечение. Самолетът превозвал 4 тона товар -автомобилни части за завода в Рамос Ариспе. |
07.07.2008*/Bulgaria/Kyustendil/Kraynitsi - A crop dusting Mi-2 helicopter crashed 300 meters far from the airfield, probably it run out of fuel. The pilot was heavily wounded. */US/FL/Pembroke Pines - Lancair-IVP plane crashed shortly after takeoff because of engine failure killing the pilot. */US/UT/Carbon County/East Carbon - A small plane crashed injures both occupants on board. |
3 die as cargo jet crashes in Colombia
07.07.2008//08:58 GMT Colombia/ Madrid The crew of the Boeing 747-200 Kalitta Air jet reported a fire in one the plane's turbines just two minutes after taking off from Bogota's El Dorado Airport at 3:50 a.m. As they turned back toward the runway, the plane crashed into a wide grassy field near the town of Madrid and plowed into a small wooden home where three people were killed. Another person who was sleeping in the house was treated for serious injuries in a nearby hospital. Hours after the crash, television images showed the still smoldering debris, which was spread out over a one-kilometer wide radius. The nose of the aircraft with the first two letters of the name Kalitta still visible lay upside down. Nearby, lay the twisted remains of one of the turbines and the wheels of the aircraft. Civil aviation authorities said they had found the plane's black box and that it would be analyzed to determine the cause of the crash. The aircraft was believed to have fallen from an altitude of only 1,500 meters. The crew members were identified by Ypsilanti, Mich.-based Kalitta as U.S. citizens Joseph Kendall, 59, Valrico, Fla; Steve Szynkowski, 28, McDonough, Ga.; Richard Dunlap, 65, Marietta, Ga.; Mohamed Shah, Coral Springs, 30; Bryant Beebe, 51, Big Pine Key, ; Ivan Dankha, 49, Surprise, Ariz.; and Frank Holley, 45, Milton, as well as Dominican national Jimmy Herrera, 45, Miami. Kendall suffered serious head wounds and internal injuries and underwent surgery, according to Nader Lujan the director of the Police hospital where six of the crew members were taken. Szynkowski apparently suffered serious injury to the spine, he said. Dankha and Holley were treated for minor injuries at a hospital close to the crash site and were expected to be released. Local farmers rushed to the site as soon as the plane went down but could not get close enough to help the injured because of the roaring flames. The Colombian Air Force responded to the crash and pulled the crew members from the mangled remains of the cockpit before dawn. Air Force nurse Laura Maria Linares told Caracol that she crawled into the cockpit through one of the windows and first attended Kendallm, who was in serious condition but conscious. Kalitta was operating the plane for Miami-based Centurion Air Cargo. Centurion has an annual contract with Kalitta to lease an aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance, and Kalitta usually flies daily to Latin America for Centurion. The majority of the freight on board were flowers from Colombia from Centurion's customers. Kalitta is responsible for insuring the plane and its freight. |
A Colombian firetruck near the wreckage of the Boeing 747-200 that crashed on 07.07.2008 in Madrid, near Bogota, Colombia. See the slide |
Boeing 747 разбился в Колумбии, погибли три человека 07.07.2008//08:58 по Гринвичу Колумбия/Мадрид Грузовой самолет разбился недалеко от столицы Колумбии Боготы, три человека погибли, девять получили ранения. Boeing 747-200 (бортовой номер N714CK) американской компании Kalitta Air, вылетевший из Боготы в понедельник утром, потерпел крушение недалеко от колумбийской столицы. Самолет упал рядом с одной из деревень. При падении было разрушено здание, находившиеся в нем три человека погибли, один ранен. Кроме того, восемь членов экипажа получили травмы разной степени тяжести и были госпитализированы. Минуты до крушения экипаж сообщил о возгарание в одном из двигателей и попробовал вернутся в аэродром Боготы. Самолет въполнял Рейс 164 обслуживаущий американскую компанию Centurion Air Cargo. |
Американски товарен самолет се разби в Колумбия, а цветята му изгорели 07.07.2008//08:58 по Гринуич Колумбия/Мадрид Товарен Боинг 747-200 с регистрационен номер N714CK и собственост на Калита Еър е катастрофирал минути след излитането си от летище Елдорадо в Богота, столицата на Колумбия. Самолетът бил натоварен основно с цветя и изпълнявал полет 164 в полза на американския авиооператор Центурион Еър Карго. Преди трагедията да се случи екипажът съобщил за запалване на един от двигателите и взел решение да се върне обратно в Богота. Самолетът се сгромолясъл от височина приблизително 1500 метра на затревено поле като помел дървена вила, в която за зла участ имало хора. Трима от намиращите се във вилата загинали, а четвъртият, спящ дълбоко, получил сериозни наранявания. Самолетът се усукал, намачкал и разбира се – при толкова гориво, бил обхванат от адски пламъци. Наоколо се разлетели парчета от корпуса му, колесници, гуми и дори двигатели. Осемте члена на екипажа, от които 7 американци и 1 доминиканец, получили различни по тежест наранявания, но в най-критично състояние е Кендал, който е с тежка травма на главата. Той бил затиснат с други членове на екипажа под останките на самолета, но смела и стройна колумбийка, военно медицинска сестра, се промушила през натрошен прозорец на корпуса на самолета и ги спасила. Започнало е разследване за изясняване причините за катастрофата, което ще бъде улеснено от намерените вече бордови самописци –„черните кутии”. |
Nine killed in plane crash in Chile 10.07.2008/12:30 GMT Chile/Region de Los lagos/Puerto Montt A two-engine airplane crashed shortly after takeoff in a southern Chilean city Thursday, killing all nine people aboard, including a small boy. The Beechcraft 99A plane (reg. CC-CFM) went down about half a mile (one kilometer) from a residential area, said Sergio Galilea, governor of Los Lagos region. Local witnesses said the plane was in flames as it plunged to the ground in rainy weather. There were no casualties on the ground. The plane had just departed for Melinka island, 190 miles (300 kilometers) south of Puerto Montt. Victims aboard the plane, operated by regional airline Aerocord, were local residents, including a boy about age 3: -Gaston Alvarado Alvarado. -Arsenio Rosales Zuniga. -Marcela Orellana Jara. -Roberto Saavedra Araya. -Claudio Fernandez. -Hernan Gallardo Palma. -Nelson Clieb. -Maximiliano Alvarado Gonzalez (3-year-old boy) -Pilot: Oscar Aguayo. |
A firefighter extinguishes the flames ingulfed the wreckage of the plane crashed near Puerto Montt, Chile, July,10, 2008, killing all 9 people on board. |
Девять человек погибли при крушении легкого самолета в Чили 10.07.2008/12:30 GMT Чили/Пуэрто-Монт Девять человек стали жертвами крушения легкого самолета Beechcraft 99A (бортовой номер CC-CFM) на юге Чили. По информации представителей местной полиции, самолет упал вскоре после взлета в лесной зоне в окрестностях города Пуэрто-Монт, расположенного в 1058 километрах южнее Сантьяго. Среди погибших маленький ребенок. О причинах авиакатастрофы не сообщается. Самолет принадлежал местной авиакомпании Aerocord. |
Девет души загинаха при катастрофа на лек самолет в Чили 10.07.2008//12:30 по Гринуич Чили/Региона на Лос Лагос/Пуерто Монт Малко след излитането самолетът Beechcraft 99A, с регистрационен номер CC-CFM и принадлежащ на местната авиокомпания Aerocord, катастрофира в околностите на южния чилийски град Пуерто Монт отнемайки живота на девет души, сред които е и 3 годишно момче. Катастрофата се случила в дъждовно време, но дъждът не помогнал. Очевидец твърди, че самолетът вече горял докато падал. Няма жертви на земята, но от намиращите се на борда и от разбилия се самолет твърде малко останало след удара му в земята и последвалата експлозия. Води се разследване за изясняване на причините довели до трагедията. |
Chopper crashes but Bolivian president safe
20.07.2008 // about 19:40 GMT Bolivia/Cochabamba/Colomi - A Venezuelan military helicopter often used to transport Bolivian President Evo Morales crashed in central Bolivia, but Morales was not aboard and is safe, Bolivia's defense minister said Monday. Four Venezuelan military personnel and a Bolivian officer were reported killed. Morales had used the Super Puma (reg. FAB-752) helicopter on Saturday and was scheduled to fly in it again on Monday, Defense Minister Walker San Miguel told reporters. He said those killed were "people linked to presidential transport." The helicopter took off around 3:30 p.m. (1930 GMT) on Sunday from Bolivia's central city of Cochabamba, where it had stopped to refuel, and headed for the northern Amazon city of Cobija. Cochabamba air officials announced the chopper was down. It was not located until dawn on Monday, when a farmer reported the crash in the village of Colomi, a mountainous area about 155 miles (250 kilometers) east of La Paz, San Miguel said. |
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Bolivian soldiers stand near a crashed Venezuelan military helicopter near Colomi, Bolivia, Monday, July 21, 2008. |
11.07.2008*/Austria/Salzburg/Mauterndorf - A Robin DR.400/180R plane (reg. D-EOEW) crashed on takeoff injuring seriously 4 people. *Brazil/Sao Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport - OceanAir Fokker -100 passenger plane (reg. PR-OAF) burst tires on landing. No injuries. */Venezuela/Caracas/Oscar Machado Zuloaga International Airport - A Cessna-402B plane (reg. YV222T) collapsed the undercarriage and was damaged. */US/Okla./Aline - A crop-spraying helicopter crashed after the bee stung the pilot. 12.07.2008*/Hungary/Mosonmagyarovar - A Mi-34 helicopter performed sightseeing flight when struck a power line and crashed into the Danube river injuring 4 people. */US/GA/Camilla - Grumman Schweizer G-164B Ag-Cat crop duster (reg. N6670K) went down in a field killing the pilot. 14.07.2008*/US/N.J./near Berlin/Winslow Township/Camden County/ Airport - A small experimental plane crashed in the front yard of a Camden County home. */Nigeria/Port Harcourt - A passenger plane Boeing 737 (reg. 5N-BIG) owned by Nigeria carrier Chanchangi Airlines overshot the runway and skidded to a halt in a nearby field while landing Monday in Nigeria's southeastern oil town of Port Harcourt but no one was seriosly injured. Two passengers were treated for minor injuries at the airport. There was no structural damage to the aircraft. */Maldives/North Ari Atoll - Maldivian Air Taxi' de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter passenger plane crashed on landing and finally ended up half-submerged in the lagoon. 15.07.2008*/US/OR/Prineville - 1988 Lancair kit plane crashed on landing. */US/Ark./South of Norfork Dam - A small Hughes 269 helicopter crashed killing both occupants. */US/MI/Mount MorrisTownship - A small airplane crashed around 10:15 a.m. near Dalton Airport in Mount Morris Township yard injuring the pilot. Later he died. 16.07.2008*/NorthernTaiwan - A military Bell AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter crashed injuring both pilots. The helicopter hit a four-story building and damaged part of the roof during an emergency landing. */US/WI/Green County/Spring Valley - A glider hit power lines and crashed. */Czech Republic/Hradec Kralove - Ultralight plane (probably TL-3000 Sirius) took off at 14:15 and was making circuits. After 45 min. there were some engines troubles, it lost power and went down. The pilot died. Three members of airport crew, who were first in the place of accident, have sniffed up combustion products and were taken to the medical attendance. */Canada/NWT/Hook Lake - North-Wright Airways' de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter 300 cargo plane crashed into trees on the shore while landing. 18.07.2008*/Bolivia/Pando/Cobija airport - Bolivian military plane crash kills 1, injures 4 A Cessna T-41 Mescalero plane (FAB-121) belonging to the Bolivian air force crashed Friday at an airport in the northern Bolivian state of Pando, killing one person and injuring four. The crash, which occurred soon after the plane took off at 10:02 a.m. local time (1502 GMT) from Cobija airport, may have been caused by high winds and mechanical failure. The plane plummeted from 30 meters above the ground as the pilot failed to balance the aircraft amid strong winds. The crash killed one civilian and injured four others, including two military officials. The plane was flying to the city of Riberalta, in the state of Beni. */Colombia/Casanare/Mani - A crop dusting Cessna plane (HK-1648-E) crashed during a fumigation operation after being catched by a wind gust; the pilot died. */RU/Taymyr/Ozero Glubokoye - A small plane crash-landed on the surface of Ozero Glubokoye injuring the two occupants. */US/AZ/Benson - An experimental plane crashed killing the pilot. 19.07.2008*/US/UT/Carbon Co/Price - The Hughes 500 had just taken off after refueling when it crashed, killing all three onboard. The chopper apparently burst into flames on impact. */US/IL/Chicago/O'Hare International Airport - Mexicana Airlines Flight 802 overshot the runway but the arrester bed at the end of the runway prevented the Airbus A-320 from going any further. The flight attendant was injured. */South Korea/Seul/Gapyeong - Rev. Moon hurt in copter crash A helicopter carrying the Rev. Sun Myung Moon crashed into a mountainside Saturday as it attempted an emergency landing, injuring the founder of the Unification Church and 15 others. Moon, 88, was slightly injured in the crash, a hospital official said. Members of Moon's family, including his wife, were also hurt, and one person suffered a serious back injury. The S-92 helicopter was carrying 16 people, including 13 church members, when it crashed and burst into flames, the transportation ministry said. Moon and the others were treated at the nearby church-affiliated Cheongshim Hospital in Gapyeong, about 37 miles northeast of Seoul, hospital official Park Sung-kwon said. */UK/ Conwy/ Cerrig-y-Druidion - Robin DR.400 plane (reg. F-GDYD) crashed on the edge of woodland injuring 2 French. */US/Ky/Greensburg - A small plane crash injures 2 people. */US/TX/Liberty County/Cleveland Municipal Airport - After successfully taking off, Scott began to perform a barrel roll to the left. When exiting the roll, the plane nose-dived and crashed into the ground. The pilot died. */Canada/Alberta/Caroline - While the student pilot of the Birdman Chinook ultralight was taxiing at a strip near Caroline, AB, the aircraft became airborne, stalled and crashed. The student pilot was killed. */US/Iowa/Buchanan County - A small plane crashed on landing injuring the pilot. 20.07.2008*/Spain/Malaga - Sterling Airlines Boeing 737-8Q8 plane (reg. OY-SEB) performing flight SNB501 had arrived at the gate at Malaga when the tail tipped down. */S.A./KZN/Natal Midlands/Cato Ridge Airfield - Atlas AL-60C-4M Kudu plane with reg. ZS-WWE and owned by H.K. Wooding ground-looped on landing and flipped over injuring the pilot. |
US B-52 crashes off Guam
20.07.2008// 23:45 GMT Guam / about 30 miles NW of Apra Harbor An Air Force B-52 bomber crashed off Guam on Monday morning, killing at least three airmen and leading to an intensive ocean search for the remaining three crew members, the military said. Three vessels including a destroyer, three helicopters, two F-15 fighter jets and a Navy P-3 Orion aircraft based in Japan were involved in the search, which covered roughly 3,000 square miles of the Pacific. Search conditions are "ideal," with light winds, calm seas and good visibility. The unarmed B-52 bomber was en route from Guam's Andersen Air Force Base to conduct a flyover in a parade on another part of the island when it crashed around 9:45 a.m. Monday about 30 miles northwest of Apra Harbor, the Air Force said. The Liberation Day parade celebrates the day the U.S. military arrived on Guam to retake control of the island from Japan. The Air Force said a board of officers will investigate the accident. The three crew members were wearing their life vests when their bodies were recovered. The accident is the second for the Air Force this year on Guam, a U.S. territory 3,700 miles southwest of Hawaii. In February, a B-2 crashed at Andersen shortly after takeoff in the first-ever crash of a stealth bomber. Both pilots ejected safely. The military estimated the cost of the loss of the aircraft at $1.4 billion. The B-52 is worth $53.4 million and is one of the nine aircrafts deployed on Guam for the next three months. The plane that crashed Monday was based at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana and deployed to Guam as part of the Department of Defense's continuous bomber presence mission in the Pacific. The Air Force has been rotating B-1, B-2 and B-52 bombers through Guam since 2004 to boost the U.S. security presence in the Asia-Pacific region while other U.S. forces in the area have been sent to the Middle East. The Air Force has 93 B-52 bombers remaining in its fleet. The B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can refuel in midair. Since the 159-foot-long bomber was first placed into service in 1955, it has been used for a wide range of missions from attacks to ocean surveillance. According to the Air Force's Web site, the B-52 Stratofortress has been the backbone of the manned strategic bomber force for the United States for more than four decades. |
The debris of the crashed B-52 bomber Photo: KUAM News |
The debris of the crashed B-52 bomber Photo: KUAM News |
Б-52 разбился в районе острова Гуам 20.07. 2008//23:45 по Гринвичу По меньшей мере три члена экипажа бомбардировщика Б-52 ВВС США погибли при его крушении в районе острова Гуам в Тихом океане. На борту бомбардировщика, который должен был принять участие в воздушном параде, находились шесть членов экипажа. В настоящее время ведутся поиски оставшихся трех членов экипажа. В поисках принимают участие шесть кораблей, три вертолета, два истребителя F-15 и один бомбардировщик Б-52. О причинах аварии пока не сообщается. Это уже вторая катастрофа американских бомбардировщиков на авиабазе Андерсен на острове Гуам с начала 2008 года. В феврале там разбился бомбардировщик-невидимка Б-2. Двое пилотов катапультировались. Причиной катастрофы стало накопление влаги в датчиках самолета. После аварии в феврале ВВС США приостановили полеты Б-2 и возобновили их только в конце апреля. Комиссия по расследованию инцидента передала соответствующие рекомендации в ВВС. |
20.07.2008*/US/Iowa/Washington - A Columbus Junction man was injured when a wind gust overturned his plane while he was preparing to take off. 21.07.2008*/US/IL/ La Salle CountyNewark/Cushing Field - A light plane crash kills the 75-year-old pilot. */US/LA/Baton Rouge-Ryan Airport - Three Canadair CRJ planes were parked at the ASA maintenance facility at Baton Rouge. CRJ700 N706EV was supposed to be getting a compressor wash. When the right hand engine was done, the left engine was started. It reportedly spooled up to nearly full power. It jumped the chocks and ran into two CRJ200ER aircraft, N916EV and N975EV. All three aircraft sustained serious damage, damage in millions. None of the mechanics wotking in the hangar were injured. 22.07.2008*/US/FL/Ocean Ridge - A Cessna-402B airplane clipped a building (police station under construction) and crashed injuring the pilot. The crash knocked out power to more than 1,500 homes in the area. */US/UT/Davis County/Woods Cross - A student pilot experienced an emergency landing after the instructor had to take over the controls -- and flipped the plane over in a field. */Venezuela/Miranda/Charallave/Caracas Airport - Cessna-206 plane crashed on approach. 23.07.2008*/US/TX/Ellis County/Midlothian - A glider crashed in a wooded area killing the pilot. */Germany/Butzbach - ASK 13 plane crashed into trees injuring 2 people. */US/OH/Madison County/Batelle-Darby Creek Metro Park - A light Aeronca 15AC plane (reg. N1052H) crashed on take off injuring the two occupants on board. */Germany/Tarmow - A light plane crashed into a field and burnt out killing the pilot. */Switzerland/VS/Munster-Geschinen - A private DR 400 RP plane (reg. HB-KBM) performed a sightseeing flight but crashed on takeoff killing the 4 occupants. */US/Mich./Grand Rapids/Vergennes Township - Piper Cherokee 235 couldn't get proper lift and crashed into a wooded area injuring slightly the passenger. */Bolivia/Beni/Estancia Esperanza - TAM' Fokker F-27-400M plane (reg. FAB-92) with 37 occupants on board made a forced landing on a road and was damaged. 24.07.2008*/US/WA/Mason County/Shelton - A float plane has crashed shortly afer taking off in Mason County near Lake Nahwatzel, killing two people on board. */US/WI/Dodge County/LeRoy - A pilot inspecting a helicopter this morning in the Town of Leroy is dead after a rear rotor blade struck him in the head. |
24.07.2008 - Officials identify airmen killed in B-52 crash:
Five were deployed to Guam from Barksdale’s 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron: * Maj. Christopher M. Cooper, 33, aircraft commander. * Maj. Brent D. Williams, 37, navigator. * Capt. Michael K. Dodson, 31, co-pilot. * 1st Lt. Joshua D. Shepherd, 26, navigator. * 1st Lt. Robert D. Gerren, 32, electronic warfare officer. The sixth crew member, Col. George Martin was deputy commander of 36th Medical Group at Andersen Air Force Base. All were declared deceased at 10 p.m. Central Standard Time on Tuesday. |
25.07.2008*/Philippines/Manila - Hole forces Qantas plane to land The Qantas aircraft, a Boeing 747-400 plane (reg. VH-OJK) was operating a scheduled passenger service from Hong Kong to Melbourne Australia (Flight QF30 - from London,UK, via Hong Kong to Melbournq Australia). At approximately 29,000 feet, the crew were forced to conduct an emergency descent after a section of the fuselage separated and resulted in a rapid decompression of the cabin. The crew descended the aircraft to 10,000 feet in accordance with established procedures and diverted the aircraft to Manila where a safe landing was carried out. Passengers described hearing a large bang and feeling a rush of wind and debris through the cabin about an hour after Flight QF30 left Hong Kong at 0900 local time (0100 GMT). The flight, which had been due to arrive in Melbourne at 11:45 GMT, landed in Manila just after 0300 GMT (1100 local time ). The aircraft taxied to the terminal unassisted, where the passengers and crew disembarked. There were no reported injuries. Initial information indicates that a section of the fuselage has separated in the area of the forward cargo compartment. "Seeing the hole caused a lot of emotion. People were physically shaking. Many realised how close they were to their own mortality." Engineers are investigating what caused the hole - about 2.5m to 3m in diameter - which led to cabin pressure problems. |
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Qantas pilot Captain John Francis Bartels, right, looking at the hole of a Qantas Airways Boeing 747 after it made an emergency landing at the international airport in Manila on Friday. Photo: Edwin Loobrera/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images |
25.07.2008*/Switzerland/ Saanen - A small plane crashed into a public swimming area killing the pilot. */Switzerland/ Samedan - A small LS-4a aircraft crashed into wood killing the pilot. 26.07.2008*/US/Tenn./Jefferson County/New Market - a hang-glider crash injures 2 people aboard. */US/N.J/Cape May County/Middletown - A banner plane has crashed in the backyard of the Catalina Motel injuring the pilot. */US/Md/Kent Island - A Cessna plane crash injures the pilot. */US/Wyo./20 mls S of Rock Springs - A helicopter crashed. */US/Va/Norfolk International Airport - A single-engine plane crashed on the main runway. The plane's landing gear collapsed as it touched down. */Turkey/Antalya - A Croatian Cessna plane made an emergency landing and was destroyed; the pilot was injured. */US/TX/ATHENS - The plane (reg. N6257E) had just taken off out of the Athens Municipal Airport and may have either lost power or didn't gain enough altitude and crashed in man's front injuring slightly 3 members of family - man, his wife and their 14-year-old daughter. */Colombia/near San Andres Island - A Cessna plane crashed into the ocean after one of the engines failed injuring 1 of the two occupants on board. */UK/Kent/Rainham - A bi-plane crashed in orchard and caught fire injuring critically the pilot. 27.07.2008*/Portugal/Cabo da Roca/200 miles off shore - A Piper PA-34 plane crashed after the pilot radioed that he was unwell. When the two F-16 jetfighters arrived to assist him they found only some wreckage. The pilot is missing. */S.A./Eastern Cape/Port Elizabeth Airport - Piper PA-22-150 plane (reg. ZU-BEG) crash-landed, because of the wind lifted a wing and collapsing a nose wheel. */Solomon Islands/Honiara International Airport - SkyAirWorld's Embraer EMB 170-100 LR jet (reg. VH-SWO) was grounded at Honiara International Airport after veering off the runway and suffering damage landing in bad weather at the weekend. The jet is said to have landed heavily on Sunday night and went off the water-slicked runway on to the grass. It hit runway lights before the two pilots regained control. The 76-seat plane was reportedly carrying about 40 passengers. Two tires of the plane were damaged. 28.07.2008*/US/N.Y./Canton - An ultralight plane on landing, crashed into a lake killing the pilot. */Austria/Hohenems - SAAB 91A Safir plane (reg. OO-JEN) crash-landed shortly after takeoff and was damaged. */RU/Kabardino-Balkaria/Terskol - Mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing injuring slightly 3 people on board. 29.07.2008*/US/Minn./Chisholm - An ultralight plane experienced engine problems shortly after taking off from an airstrip and crashed in a field injuring 2 men aboard. */US/Va/Virginia Beach Airport - 1943 Yak-3M plane collapsed the landing gear on landing. */Guatemala/San Miguel Petapa - A training Cessna-150 plane (reg. TG-MYR) made an emergency landing and crashed. 30.07.2008*/US/Pa/West Chester-Brandywine Airport - Eclipse-500 light plane (N333MY) crash-landed, overshot the runway, crossed a street and came to rest in bushes. */Trinidad and Tobago/Piarco Airport - A Cessna-402 plane collapsed a right gear on landing and was damaged. */S.A./Free State/Bethlehem - A light plane lost power on takeoff , made an emergency landing and flipped upside down. */Japan/Narita Airport - At around 7:40 a.m., an air traffic controller at Narita Airport noticed smoke coming out of one of the two engines on a Vietnam Airlines Boeing 777-200 that was taxiing toward a gate after landing. The engine caught fire at around 8:30 a.m. after all the passengers had disembarked at the gate. Seventeen fire engines were mobilized to extinguish the blaze. 31.07.2008*/Hungary/50 kms S of Budapest - A medical Eurocopter EC-135 crashed in a field killing the orderly and injuring critically the pilot and more slightly a doctor, an ill child and his mother. */US/WI/Winnebago County/Oshkosh - LC2 plane crashed on landing killing the 2 people on board. */S.A./Gauteng/Grand Central Airport - A Cessna-172K plane (reg. ZS-PYJ) bounced on landing, departed runway and collided with fence. */Namibia/Opuwa - Aerospatiale SA 315B Lama helicopter (reg. H706) crashed on landing at 18:40 and was damaged. */Austria/St. Martin bei Lofer - Piper PA-46 Malibu lost power enroute to Innsbruck; forced landing in a field and was daged after left wing hit an obstacle. */US/OR/St. Paul/ Willamette River - A small plane crashed on landing in the river. */US/Mich./Lenawee County/Tecumseh - A small plane crash injures the pilot. |
С 14 по 20 июля в Фарнборо проходит авиасалон, который организаторы называют крупнейшим в мире. Производители военной и гражданской авиатехники привезли в Великобританию последние новинки, что позволило им заключить контракты на десятки миллиардов долларов. Пока авиастроители проводили переговоры, в небе над Фарнборо пилоты показывали, что можно вытворять на их технике. //Lenta.ru |
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8 killed in Minnesota plane crash
31.07.2008 //US/Minn./Owatonna - A charter plane crashed while attempting to land at a regional airport in southern Minnesota on Thursday morning, killing eight people aboard. One of the eight died after being taken to a hospital. The victims, whose names weren't immediately released, were six passengers and two crew members, said Shaun LaDue, police chief of Owatonna, Minnesota. The Raytheon Hawker 800 plane (N818MV) left Atlantic City, New Jersey, on Thursday morning and crashed off runway 30 at Owatonna. The plane's passengers were customers of Owatonna architectural glass manufacturer Viracon. No Viracon employees were aboard, it said. The Hawker's pilot radioed the airport at 9:44 a.m. to say the plane was approaching for a landing. Radar checked it in at 1,600 feet at the time of the call. The crash apparently happened shortly after that. The plane was owned by charter firm East Coast Jets Inc. |
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