В упавшем в Англии самолете находились два пилота и трое пассажиров
30.03.2008// 13:30 по Гринвичу Великобритания/ Кент На борту разбившегося на юге Великобритании легкомоторного частного восьмиместного самолета Cessna 500 Citation І, по последним данным, находились два пилота и трое пассажиров. Все они погибли. Авария произошла примерно в 13.30 по Гринвичу (16.30 мск) к северу от аэропорта Биггин Хилл (графство Кент, юго-восток Англии), в населенном пункте Фарнборо. Погибшие, по предварительным данным, принадлежали к одной семье. Самолет направлялся из Биггин Хилла на юго-запад Франции, в городок По. Самолет, падая, задел два дома. Очевидцы говорят о двух взрывах в момент катастрофы. По словам свидетелей трагедии, несколько близлежащих зданий охвачены огнем, один дом разрушен полностью, высоко в небо поднимаются столбы дыма. По данным Би-би-си, жители окрестных домов были эвакуированы. Семья, жившая в ныне разрушенном доме, по словам соседей, находится в отпуске. Сведений о причинах катастрофы пока нет. Вместе с тем, по предварительным данным, пилот самолета незадолго до крушения подал наземному диспетчеру сигнал бедствия, сообщив о неполадках в двигателе, и попытался вернуться в аэропорт Биггин Хилл, чтобы совершить аварийную посадку. Увидев, что самолет летит на населенный пункт, пилот, как предполагают очевидцы, сделал все возможное для того, чтобы изменить курс. |
Plane Crash Kills 5 South of London 30.03.2008// 13:30 GMT UK/ Kent A small plane crashed into a residential area south of London on Sunday, killing five people and completely destroying a house. Fire and police officials said they had found no survivors amid the flaming wreckage. The plane was carrying two pilots and three passengers. "No survivors were found, but I can confirm that there were no people involved in the houses," said Jim Bascran, of the London fire department. The private plane crashed into a house in Farnborough in Kent, just south of London, sometime after 2:30 p.m. (13:30 GMT). The neighborhood, Broadwater Gardens, lies near Biggin Hill Airport, about 12 miles (20 kilometers) from central London. The small airport was an important Royal Air Force fighter station during World War II, but now serves private jets and helicopters. Biggin Hill Airport said the plane, a Cessna 500 Citation І jet popular with business travelers, reported difficulties shortly after takeoff. "The pilot made a call to say he was experiencing a problem and requested permission to land, but unfortunately crashed before reaching the airport," Biggin Hill said in a statement. Sky News television said the plane was headed to France. Residents told the broadcaster they heard a plane flying in very low before it slammed into a house. A pilot, who gave his name only as John, told Sky he was about to land at Biggin Hill when a mayday call came over the radio from the plane that crashed. The pilot from the stricken plane said the aircraft was experiencing severe engine vibrations and alarms could be heard going off in the cockpit, John said. The pilot said he had five people onboard and wanted to make an emergency landing, he added. Karl Mills said the plane nearly hit his house. "It was the loudest noise I ever heard. It was like a bolt of thunder," Mills told Sky News. "I looked out and saw a ball of fire." He said the plane crashed into the roof of a neighboring house before bursting into flames. |
Падение вертолета в Черном море: 13 погибших, 1- выживший 27.03.2008//09:30 по Гринвичу Вертолет Государственной пограничной службы Ми-8 потерпел крушение неподалеку от острова Полуденный. Вертолет направлялся из Одессы на остров Змеиный и перевозил около 2 тонн грузов для строительства пограничной базы. На вертолете находились 3 члена экипажа и 10 пассажиров - сотрудники Госпогранслужбы и 1 гражданский специалист - сотрудник "Укртелекома". В 12 часов 20 минут дня на поиски пропавшего МИ-8 вылетели дежурный вертолёт министерства чрезвычайных ситуаций из Херсона и вертолёт одесских пограничников. Спасатели нашли все 13 тел погибших во время авиакастрофы вертолета. Ранее на месте катастрофы вертолета был найден живым один из 14 человек, находившихся на борту вертолета. Как сообщил начальник военно-медицинского клинического центра южного региона, полковник Владимир Майданюк, в четверг, в 15:20, к ним был доставлен лейтенант Погранслужбы Евгений Чеварский, 1985 года рождения. У пострадавшего обнаружены закрытая черепно-мозговая травма, сотрясение головного мозга, закрытый перелом плечевой кости, верцелузной впадины, вывих бедренной кости, травматический шок и общее переохлаждение. Он находится в коме третьей степени. В то же время, как отметил Владимир Майданюк, его состояние тяжелое, но стабильное, дыхание у потерпевшего самостоятельное. Позже офицер пришел в сознание. Погибли члены экипажа: командир вертолетного звена майор Александр Христий, старший летчик-штурман вертолета капитан Евгений Шутько, старший бортовой авиационный техник капитан Александр Цылинко. Пассажиры: начальник КЭС ПгРУ подполковник Михаил Микита, начальник продовольственной службы ПгРУ капитан Алексей Панчуков, начальник Измаильского отряда полковник Владимир Кузьменко, заместитель начальника Измаильского отряда по работе с личным составом подполковник Александр Гибелинда, заместитель начальника Измаильского отряда - начальник тыла отряда подполковник Александр Сорокопуд, заместитель начальника штаба - начальник отдела связи и автоматизации Измаильского отряда майор Владимир Минич, начальник ОРТМ Измаильского отряда ст. лейтенант Николай Садаклиев, начальник финансово-экономической службы Измаильского отряда мл. лейтенант Артем Тимофеенко, сварщик-слесарь цеха по ремонту автомобильной техники ОРТМ Измаильского отряда рядовой по контракту Сергей Грама, представитель оператора связи Фурдуев /имя, отчество уточняется/. По предварительным данным, сообщает Госпогранслужба, тела погибших опознаны. |
Additional News: Flying humans, hoping to land with no chute |
01.03.2008*/Australia/NSW/Sydney/Arcadia - A helicopter crash injures critically 5 people on board. */Uganda/Entebbe Airport - British Airways Boeing-767-336 (G-BNWW), Flight 062, had to abort takeoff due to tyre burst. */Brazil/MS/Ivinhema - An Embraer EMB-202 Ipanema plane, belonging to Produtiva Aviacao Agricola company, crashed killing the pilot. 02.03.2008*/Brazil/Rio de Janeiro/Barra da Tijuca - A Cirrus SR22-G3 Turbo plane crashed after takeoff killing 4 people on board. */RU/Khanty-Mansi/Niznevartovsk - A Robinson R-44 helicopter missing with 2 people on board. 03.03.2008*/Iraq/ five miles from Baiji in Salahuddin Province -An Iraqi Army helicopter Mi-17 crashed in sandstorm killing all 8 people on board (1 of them was an US soldier). |
Villagers crowd near the crash site at a hill in Ramechhap, near Kathmandu, March 4, 2008. 12 people were killed when a helicopter carrying United Nations officials crashed in bad weather over hilly terrain near Nepal's capital on Monday - REUTERS/Gopal Chitrakar (NEPAL) |
10 bodies found in UN helicopter crash in Nepal 03.03.2008//10:30 GMT Nepal/near Bethan/Ramechhap The bodies of 10 persons, who were killed in Monday's crash of a helicopter from the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) in Ramechhap district in eastern Nepal, have been found, the Home Ministry said Tuesday. The rescue operation was carried out by a team from Bethan Area Police Office with the help of local people. Additional rescue team from Kathmandu has been sent to the site and identification of the bodies is underway. The Mi-8 helicopter (reg. RA-27019) was returning to Kathmandu from a cantonment site of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M) in Sindhuli district, some 80 km east of capital Kathmandu when it lost contact with the UNMIN, said the mission in a press release issued Monday. The UNMIN is monitoring the peace process in Nepal. In November2006, the then Nepali government and CPN-M signed the Comprehensive Peace Accord, and CPN-M arms were confined in seven main cantonments and 21 satellite camps monitored by the United Nations. The bad weather caused actually the crash. |
В Непал се разби вертолет Ми-8 на ООН 03.03.2008// 10:30 по Гринвичу Непал/ край Бетан/ Рамечхап В източен Непал в понеделник се разби вертолет Ми-8 на ООН с бордови номер RA-27019. Намерени са 10 тела. Екипажът на вертолета бил от двама руснаци и беларусин. ООН-мисията изпълнявала мониторинг на лагерите на Комунистическата партия на Непал - Маоисти. По думите на очевидци въздушното средство се запалило след удар от мълния. В момента на катастрофата бушувала буря със силен дъжд и гръмотевици. Няколко дни след катастрофата наземният механик на вертолета се самоубил в квартирата си в Непал. До тялото му била намерена предсмъртна бележка. |
В Непале разбился вертолет с представителями миссии ООН 03.03.2008//10:30 по Гринвичу Непал/ Бетан На востоке Непала в понедельник потерпел крушение вертолет Ми-8 ( RA-27019 ) с сотрудниками миссии Организации Объединенных Наций на борту. Погибли 10 человек среди которых находились пилот из России Сергей Орешенко, бортмеханик Николай Ямщиков из России и второй пилот Дмитрий Малышев (гражданин Белоруссии). Летательный аппарат направлялся из лагеря маоистов, где сотрудники организации находились с наблюдательной миссией, в столицу страны Катманду. Около 16.00 по местному времени (13.30 мск) представительство ООН заявило, что экипаж вертолета перестал выходить на связь. Через два часа после исчезновения вертолета с радаров стали появляться сообщения о том, что он потерпел крушение. На его поиски отправились спасатели и военнослужащие непальской армии, которым пришлось добираться до места аварии на вездеходах и пешком. Скорее всего, причиной крушения вертолета стали как раз погодные условия. По словам очевидцев, воздушное судно загорелось от удара молнии – в момент падения вертолета шел сильный дождь с грозой. |
A cargo plane Transall C-160NG (reg. PK-VTQ) belonging to the operator Manunggal Air bursts into flames moments after landing at Wamena airport in Indonesia's remote Papua province March 6, 2008. The plane, which was carrying diesel fuel and other commodities, had eight people on board who escaped uninjured, Antara news agency reported. The cargo plane was completely destroyed. REUTERS/Stringer (INDONESIA) |
07.03.2008*/Italy/ Campo dei Fiori - A small aircraft SF-25 Falke (reg. I-IMAC) crashed killing the pilot. */China/ Hunan/ Chenzhou /Ertou - A helicopter of government eletrical company crashed injuring 3 people. 08.03.2008*/Tajikistan/Shugnan/Gunt river valley - A Mi-8 helicopter crashed killing the pilot and injuring 5 people from all 14 people on board. 10.03.2008*/Cote d'Ivoire/Bouake - About 13:45 local time (GMT), a Gazelle helicopter belonging to the French Licorne Force crashed above a dam some kilometers south of Bouake. An error of the pilot was indicated as the possible cause of the accident. 11.03.2008*/US/Ca/Oxnard - A helicopter crashed. */US/AK/16 miles outside of White Mountain ( Iditarod checkpoint ) - A Cessna-180 plane crash injures 3 people on board. */US/LA/Vermilion Parish - A single-engine airplane crashed killing the pilot and a passenger. |
The site of the Bell 412B helicopter crash, which happened on 11.03.2008 in Cajamarca, Peru. List of the crew-members and passengers; map |
Chopper Crashes En Route From Peru Mine 11.03.2008//15:30 GMT Peru/Cajamarca A helicopter ferrying passengers from an Anglo-Australian-owned copper mine in the Andes has crashed with 10 people aboard, and the wreckage was spotted from the air Wednesday, police said. There were no survivors. The helicopter was destroyed. Some of the passengers aboard the helicopter were employees of the La Granja mine owned by the Rio Tinto Group, the company said, but it did not specify numbers or nationalities. The helicopter's co-pilot was an American citizen. The helicopter belonged to the Peruvian company Helinka-Evergreen. Rescue workers had reached the crash site near the mine, which is outside the northern Andean city of Cajamarca. Rio Tinto said in a statement that the Bell 412B helicopter left the La Granja mine for the northern Pacific coastal city of Chiclayo around 10 a.m. Tuesday and was reported missing at 10:30 a.m. local time.. The group includes Rio Tinto PLC in Britain and Rio Tinto Limited in Australia. |
Перуанские спасатели обнаружили разбившийся в Андах вертолет 11.03.2008//15:30 по Гринвичу Перу/Кахамарка Перуанские спасатели в среду обнаружили вертолет, потерпевший крушение в предгорьях Анд. По информации начальника полиции близлежащего города Санта-Крус, на борту вертолета находилось десять человек, причем один из пилотов - гражданин США. Вертолет Bell 412B во вторник вылетел с медного рудника, принадлежащего компании Rio Tinto Group, в 800 километрах севернее столицы страны Лимы. Представители компании сообщают, что связь с вертолетом пропала через 12 минут после начала полета. Спасатели попали к месту катастрофы. Согласно их рапорту, вертолет полностью разрушен и выживших нет. |
В перуанските Анди катастрофира вертолет 11.03.2008//15:30 по Гринуич Перу/Кахамарка Вертолет Bell 412B, на перуанската компания Helinka-Evergreen, излетял около 10:00 часа местно време от мината La Granja, собственост на англо-австралийската Rio Tinto Group, за гр. Chiclayo разположен на северното тихоокеанско крайбрежие в Перу, но минути след това катастрофирал в Андите. На борда му имало 10 души, от които двама пилоти (единият от тях -американец) и 8 работници от мината. Вертолетът е напълно разрушен при удара със земята. Няма оцелели. |
15.03.2008*/Nigeria - The Wings Aviation' Beech 1900D airplane (reg. 5N-JAH) took off from Lagos at about 07.35 en route to Obudu. It was expected to arrive at Bebi Airstrip there at approximately 08:45. The aircraft contacted Enugu ATC at 07:54 It did not arrive at Bebi Airstrip and was declared missing. Fatalities - 3 occupants. */US/FL/Lake Panasoffkee - A Cessna-182 plane crash kills 2 people on board. */US/VA/Front Royal - SR-22 aircraft crashed near the airport killing 2 people on board. 16.03.2008*/Bulgaria/Pavlikeni - A hang-glider crash kills 2 men. */US/VA/Marion/4 mls from Mountain Empire Airport - A Mooney 4-seater plane crash kills 2 people. */US/AL/Sumter County/Ventura Ranch - A Cessna plane crash kills 2 occupants. |
Greek Army's helicopter crashed 18.03.2008 Greece/ 20 km from Tessaloniki Greek Defense's leadership unveiled that a UH-1 Huey helicopter of the national Army crashed after took off from an air base situated in the Imathia Prefecture, missing from radar screens after about an hour of flight. The aircraft wreck has been found about 20 km from Tessaloniki, in the North-East of Country. Three people on board would be dead in the crash. Now technical causes are excluded due to failures but are for a human error hypothesis; an inquiry opened will be clarified the crash causes. |
20.03.2008*/RU/Vladivostok/Chernigovka airbase - SU-25 Strike Jet Crashes in Russia’s Far East
On March 20 early in the morning at 03:33 Moscow time (00:33 GMT) a SU-25 strike jet of the Russian Air Force exploded in mid-air during a training flight in the Russia’s Far East 143 kilometres (90 miles) distant from the city of Vladivostok; the pilot died in the crash. According to unofficial data, before the crash information about engine fire outbreak was sent from the SU-25 but then the connection was out. A special commission of the Ministry of Defense of the RF has launched an investigation to find what caused the fatal crash. By the moment flights of all SU-25 strike jets have been suspended in Russia, in accordance with an order by the commander of the Russian Air Force. */US/OH/Blue Ash Airport - A Cessna-210 plane lost electrical power and its landing gear did not deploy. The plane landed on its belly and skidded off the runway. */US/N.C./Weddington - A small plane crashed into a wooded area not far from the airport killing the pilot. */New Zealand/Riversdale - A pilot died after the microlight he was flying plummeted to the ground while performing a manoeuvre. 21.03.2008 */Greece/Megara Airfield - A Piper Navajo plane made a belly landing, damaged. 22.03.2008 */SA/Free State/near Van Reenen/Fullerton farm - A light plane (reg. ZU-EFF) crashed while flying around the farm killing both occupants on board. */US/WA/Whitman County/near Fairgrounds - A Grumman-Schweizer G-164B plane hit power lines and crashed. */US/N.C./Charlotte - A shot fired from a US Airways pilot's pistol blasted a small hole through the cockpit wall of a plane (Flight 1536). The photos show a small entry hole in the lower side of the cockpit wall and a small exit hole on the exterior below the cockpit window. 24.03.2008 */US/Co/Grand Junction Regional Airport - A WFP Investments Canadair CL-600-2A12 Challenger 601 plane's main passenger door separated after takeoff and airplane returned to the airport and made an emergency landing. 25.03.2008 */08:27 GMT/Bangladesh/Dhaka/Zia International Airport - A Saudi Airlines Boeing-747 passenger plane caught fire in one of its engine immediately after landing. */US/WA/Columbia County/3 miles E of Waitsburg/near Whiskey Creek Road - A gust of wind flipped the Grumman-Schweizer G-164A crop duster (reg. N48629), belonged to Cropland Air Service Inc., as it was landing on an airstrip injuring the pilot and destroying the plane. 26.03.2008 */Brazil/Pernambuco/Recife (SBRF) - A Brazilian Air Force Learjet 35A plane had a landing gear problems after takeoff. The pilot requested to return to SBRF to perform an emergency landing. Left landing gear failed after touchdown. Aircraft went off the side of the runway, damaged. */US/OH/Pike County Airport - A Kokosing Construction helicopter crashed after experiencing problems while landing, damaged. 27.03.2008 */Poland/Lodz - A Tu-154 passenger plane damaged a wing after landing, while taxiing. |
"Some wing suit pilots have briefly slowed the vertical descent to about 30 miles an hour. But they are moving forward horizontally at 75 m.p.h. Even if a pilot could achieve such speeds, any slight wrong movement could cause a crash and certain death." |
Pilots blamed in Adam Air's crash |
mmОдной из причин падения Боинга-737 в Индонезии была ошибка пилота |
25.03.2008 - An inquiry into a major plane crash in Indonesia which killed more than 100 people has found that pilot error and a faulty navigation device were to blame. The plane, a Boeing 737 operated by Adam Air, crashed into the sea on New Year's Day last year.
Investigators found that the two pilots had accidentally switched off the automatic pilot. They had been trying to rectify a fault in the navigation system. The plane then banked steeply and hit the ocean. The plane had been flying between Java and Sulawesi when it came down off the Sulawesi coast. Adam Air's planes were all grounded last week because of its poor safety record. |
25.03.2008 - Причиной катастрофы разбившегося в Индонезии в первый день 2007 года пассажирского самолета местной авиакомпании "Эдам эйр" стало сочетание двух факторов: ошибки пилота и неисправностей навигационного оборудования. Об этом сообщает в среду газета "Джакарта пост" со ссылкой на заявление Национальной комиссии по безопасности на транспорте по итогам расследования причин аварии, унесшей жизни 102 человек.
Боинг-737-400 совершал 1 января прошлого года рейс из аэропорта города Сурабая на восточной Яве в столицу провинции Северный Сулавеси Манадо, когда на высоте десяти километров отключился авиапилот. Поглощенные другими неисправностями навигационного оборудования пилоты даже не заметили этого, и в течение двух минут авиалайнер снижался по крутой спирали, в итоге разбившись о воду близ расположенного на юго-западной оконечности острова Сулавеси города Паре-Паре. Погибли все находившиеся на борту, а оказавшиеся на двухметровой глубине "черные ящики" удалось поднять лишь в августе. Расследование также выявило, что на протяжении двух месяцев перед катастрофой в навигационной системе авиалайнера имели место 154 неполадки. Однако авиакомпания не только не предприняла необходимых мер по их устранению, но даже не провела инструктаж пилотов относительно того, как действовать в подобных случаях. В связи с опасениями относительно безопасности пассажиров министерство транспорта Индонезии на прошлой неделе запретила "Эдам эйр" совершать полеты, дав авиакомпании три месяца на устранение проблем. Однако сталкивающаяся также с острыми финансовыми проблемами авиалиния, скорее всего, окажется не в состоянии сделать это. //RIAN.ru |
13 killed as Ukraine helicopter crashes in Black Sea 27.03.2008//09:30 GMT A Ukrainian helicopter crashed in the Black Sea on Thursday killing 13 and leaving only one survivor, officials at Ukraine's Border Troops command said. The accident happened in the north-western Black Sea, near the mouth of the Danube River. A total 14 persons, 3 flight crew and 11 passengers, had been aboard the aircraft at the time of the crash. 12 of the dead were identified as border security staff, and another person killed was a civilian. The Ukrainian border troops Mi-8 helicopter had been carrying personnel and two tonnes of supplies to Zmeyniy Island, a rocky outcrop claimed by some 60 kilometres south of the Danube's mouth. The flight from the mainland to Zmeyniy Island by Mi-8 lasts approximately 45 minutes. It was not clear when exactly, or for what reason, the helicopter had crashed. The downed helicopter was visible in shallow water, and had apparently almost reached the island before hitting the water, witnesses said. Two motor launches and a pair of helicopters participated in a search of the area. Searchers had recovered all 13 of the bodies, according to a Ukraine navy statement. One of the helicopters carried the single survivor to a hospital in Ukraine's Odesa province, where he was being treated for multiple injuries and listed in "very serious condition." The Mi-8 is a cargo/passenger aircraft with a maximum capacity of 24 persons. Though of now-obsolescent Soviet design it is considered highly reliable, by local standards. The crashed chopper, manufactured in 1983 and fully overhauled in 2006, had undergone all scheduled maintenance and preflight checks, and had been certified as safe to fly. Ukraine has seen unsettled weather in recent days, with snows even in lowlands and temperatures hovering slightly above freezing, alternating with sunny weather from 10 - 13 degrees Centigrade. Zmeyniy Island is the site of a Border Troops station maintained by Ukraine on the 1.5 square kilometre rock to buttress a Kiev claim to territorial waters in the region. |
An Ukrainian border troops Mi-8 helicopter had been carrying personnel and two tonnes of supplies to Zmeyniy Island, but crashed killing 13 crew and passengers, injuring 1. |
Zmeyniy Island is the site of a Border Troops station maintained by Ukraine on the 1.5 square kilometre rock |
Украински хеликоптер се разби в Черно море 27.03.2008//09:30 по Гринуич Вертолет Ми-8 на украинската гранична служба се разби в плитчините на Черно море, в устието на река Дунав при изпълнение на полет от Одеса за остров Змеинъй, на който е разположена тяхна застава. Вертолетът излетял около 11:00 ч и се очаквало да пристигне на острова към 11:45. На борда му имало 2 тона товар и 14 души, от които 3-членния екипаж, 10 военннослужащи от граничната служба и гражданско лице -специалист от украинския телеком. Счита се, че въздушното средство е било изправно и не е било претоварено изхождайки от тактико-техническите му данни. В 12:20 местно време (съвпада с това на София) са излетели два вертолета - дежурният на министерството на извънредните ситуации и един на граничните служби и започнали издирването на исчезналия вертолет. След 2-3 часа останките му са открити в плитчините край остров Полуденнъй. Падането на вертолета е забелязано от местни рибари, които първи са стигнали до мястото на катастрофата, благодарение на лодките си и открили оцелелият като по чудо лейтенант Евгений Чеварский, роден 1985 г. Последният е откаран с вертолет до районната болница в кома трета степен и с редица тежки наранявания. Няколко часа по късно офицерът дошъл в съзнание и според лекарите състоянието му е тежко, но ще се възстанови. Останалите 13 души на борда са загинали при катастрофата и телата им са опознати. Назначена е комисия за разследване на причините довели до трагедията. |
29.03.2008//Iran/Varzaqan - Five killed in helicopter crash in Iran Five Iranian police officers were killed on Friday in a helicopter crash while monitoring holiday traffic flows in northwest Iran. Three of them were the helicopter crew and the other two were the heads of the crime prevention and traffic police of the province. The aircraft was checking traffic during peak travel over a holiday season for the Iranian New Year, which began on March 20. The holiday season lasts about two weeks. The helicopter crashed in the vicinity of the city of Varzaqan, in Iran's East Azerbaijan province. The cause of the accident was under investigation. |
Руски вертолет Ми-8 се разби при кацане в Норвегия, 3 загинали 30.03.2008/12:00 по Гринуич Норвегия/Баренцбърг Руски вертолет Ми-8 се разби при кацане в лошо време на отдалечените северни острови Свалбард в селището Баренцбърг. Селището е населено с около 400 руснаци. Тяхното пребиваване на Норвежкия архипелаг е узаконено с договор между Русия и Норвегия от 1920 г. На борда на вертолета е имало 9 души, от които 4 -ма екипаж и 5 пътници. От тях трима са загинали, а трима са ранени. Двама от ранените са настанени в болница в норвежкото селище Longyearbyen. |
Russian Helicopter Crashes on Norway's Svalbard Islands; 3 Dead 30.03.2008//12:00GMT Norway/Svalbard/Barentsburg A Russian helicopter crashed Sunday while attempting to land at the remote settlement of Barentsburg on Norway's Svalbard islands in the Arctic, killing three and injuring three people on board. There were 9 people on board the Mi-8 helicopter - 4 crew members and 5 passengers. The cause of the crash was not immediately known. Barentsburg is a Russian settlement of about 400 people allowed on the Norwegian islands under a 1920 treaty that declares the archipelago an international zone open to all countries for nonmilitary activities. The Svalbard islands are about 300 miles north of the Norwegian mainland. Two of the survivors will be brought to the nearby Norwegian settlement of Longyearbyen for treatment at the larger hospital in the town of about 2,000 people, Svalbard Gov. Per Sefland said. "We understand the crash happened in connection with landing, and that the helicopter is completely crushed," Sefland said. |
Три человека погибли при крушении российского вертолета
в Норвегии
30.03.2008/12:00 по Гринвичу Норвегия/Баренцбург Российский вертолет потерпел крушение в воскресенье во время посадки в поселке Баренцбург в Норвегии, три человека погибли, а трое были ранены. На борту вертолета Ми-8 находились 9 человек - 4 члена экипажа и 5 пассажиров. Причины аварии пока неизвестны. Поселок Баренцбург располагается на острове архипелага Шпицберген, в 40 километрах от главного города Шпицбергена - Лонгербюйна. В поселке проживает около 400 россиян. Шпицберген находится под управлением Норвегии, однако, в соответствии с соглашениями от 1920 года, другие страны, в том числе Россия, имеют право располагать на архипелаге невоенные объекты. |
Firefighters survey the wreckage of the plane by the destroyed house.
Sky News |
Самолет се разби край Лондон
, 5 загинали 30.03.2008// 13:30 по Гринуич Великобритания/ Кент Частен бизнес самолет се разби в жилищен квартал южно от Лондон. На борда на машината имало пет души. Всички те загинали. Самолетът ударил една, а после се забил в друга къща в град Фарнбъро на около 20 км от центъра на Лондон. Сградата била разрушена наполовина и обвита в пушек. Няма жертви на земята по случайност. Семейството обитаващо разрушената сграда било на почивка в Испания. Самолетът Cessna 500 Citation І летял за град По, Франция.. Говорител на частното летище "Бигин Хил", разположено наблизо, съобщава, че машината излетяла оттам, а по-късно опитала аварийно кацане заради технически проблеми с двигателите. Екипажът подал сигнал "Бедствие" в критичната ситуация, прихванат, както от летището "Бигин Хил", така и от прелитащ наблизо друг самолет. Жители от квартал "Броудуотър Гардънс", където става катастрофата, споделят, че самолетът прелетял ниско над домовете им, след което се чула експлозия. Според очевидците пилотите направили всичко по силите си за да избегнат жилищния квартал, но не успели. |
m Drunk passenger causes emergency landing in Poland |
24.03.2008 - A Lufthansa passenger jet made an emergency landing in the southern Polish city of Katowice on Monday after a drunk, unruly passenger began shouting that he was a terrorist. The middle-aged, Russian-speaking passenger offered no resistance when an anti-terrorist squad boarded the plane to remove him. The passenger was due to be questioned later when he sobered up.The Lufthansa Airbus A320 with 118 people on board continued its journey after a one-hour delay |
Two pilots killed in plane crash in Brazil 31.03.2008//09:40 GMT//Brazil/Bahia/Lencois - Abaete Taxi Aereo's Embraer EMB-820 Navajo plane (reg. PT-VCI) departed Salvador, Bahia enroute to Lencois, Bahia with a load of bank notes. The aircraft crashed 2 kilometers from the threshold of runway 32 in Lencois. According to the firefighters in the region, there was bad weather at the airport at the time of the approach. Both pilots were killed in the crash. The wreckage of the plane |
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