Ту-204 помете гора край
Домодедово, 8 ранени

21.03.2010//23:35 по Гринуич

Пътническият авиолайнер
Ту-204-100 с бордови номер RA-64011 и собственост на компанията "Авиастар-ТУ" (Уляновск) се приземи драматично в гора на километър от летище Домодедово, Москва, Русия. Не се е стигнало до експлозия или пожар в резултат на катастрофата, вероятно поради малкото остатъчно гориво в края на полета, но уврежданията по самолета оставят впечатление, че е невъзможно възстановяването му.  Подходът за кацане се е извършвал нощем, в условия на мъгла, ниска облачност - 60 м и променлива видимост в района на летището от 450-700 м.. Навигационните, светотехническите и свързочните средства са работили в щатен режим и от проведеното разследване до момента се смята, че те не могат да бъдат винени за произшествието. При диспечерите не е постъпвал доклад за някакви проблеми и аварийно кацане от страна на екипажа. Самолетът е изпълнявал полет TUP1906 от Хургада, Египет за Москва.
На борда не е имало пътници. Всички от
8-членният екипаж са пострадали, като 4-ма от тях са приети в болница. Двама от последните са в тежко, но стабилизирано състояние и преместени от болницата в Домодедово за по-нататъшно лечение в МОНИКИ, където разполагат с модерна апаратура за томография. Назначена е комисия за разследване на произшествието. Бордовите самописци са предадени в МАК (Межгосударственный авиационный комитет) за разшифроване.
Същият самолет само преди ден извършил аварийно кацане малко след излитане от Домодедово за Хургада поради задимяване в пилотската кабина, но специалисти считат, че няма връзка между двата инцидента.
Теоретично и чисто технически вероятно са прави, само дето дедите ни са имали някаква теория за предзнамението, към която съвременната наука остава глуха и низвергва само защото е безсилна да я обясни.
Ту-204 разбился
на подлете к Домодедово

21.03.2010//23:35 по Гринвичу

"Авиастар-Ту" самолет Ту-204-100 (RA-64011) летел из Хургады в Москву и в понедельник в 2:35 сел в лесополосе в километре от взлетно-посадочной полосы Домодедово. Пострадали восемь членов экипажа. Четверо из них были госпитализированы в Домодедовскую районную больницу, остальные в госпитализации не нуждались. Состояние здоровья 52-летнего Сергея Горячего - бортинженера экипажа самолета Ту-204, стабильно тяжелое, но не угрожающее жизни. Он и 32-летний пилот Ту-204 Александр Косяков переведены на дальнейшее лечение в Москву. Во вторник из реанимации в общую палату домодедовской больницы были переведены еще двое пострадавших в аварии - бортпроводница Марина Кузнецова и второй пилот 36-летний Алексей Михайловский.
Ранее, в воскресенье, этот же самолет, выполняя рейс Москва-Хургада, вылетел из Домодедово в 4.00, долетел до Орла, однако затем экипаж почувствовал задымление в кабине и решил вернуться обратно в столичный аэропорт. В 06.00 самолет приземлился в Домодедово, а затем вылетел к месту назначения - в Хургаду.
Как сообщает Росавиация, при возвращении в Домодедово, самолет совершал заход на посадку в аэропорт в сложных метеоусловиях: нижний край облачности - высотой 60 метров, видимость на взлётно-посадочной полосе (ВПП) непостоянная - от 450 до 700 метров, но радиотехнические и светотехнические средства посадки аэропорта работали без замечаний.
"Несмотря на непростую метеорологическую обстановку и ограниченную видимость, заход на посадку выполнялся в штатном режиме. Экипаж и диспетчеры поддерживали радиосвязь в процессе всего полёта, в том числе при заходе на посадку. Экипаж самолета не сообщал о намерении совершить аварийную посадку или об отказах и неисправностях", - отмечается в сообщении Росавиации.
Приблизительно в 1 километре до ВПП, с самолетом пропала связь и борт исчез с экранов радиолокаторов, сообщает Росавиация. В результате поисков воздушное судно было обнаружено частично разрушенным в лесу с высотой деревьев 25-30 метров.
Для расследования всех обстоятельств и причин авиационного происшествия создана специальная комиссия из представителей Межгосударственного авиационного комитета и Росавиации.
Специалисты МАК уже приступили к расшифровке бортовых самописцев Ту-204-100, изъятых с места происшествия.
"По данному событию возбуждено уголовное дело о нарушениях правил безопасности движения воздушного транспорта, предусмотренное частью 1 статьей 263 Уголовного кодекса РФ", - отмечается в сообщении Росавиации.
Росавиация запретила "Авиастар-Ту" выполнять пассажирские перевозки с 22 марта 2010 года.
Tu-204 crashes near
Domodedovo Airport, 8 Injured

21.03.2010//23:35 GMT
Russia/Moscow/Domodedovo Airport

A Tu-204-100 passenger jet, registered
RA-64011, crashed into a forest near Domodedovo Airport on its approach early Monday, injuring all eight crew members onboard.
The plane, operated by state-controlled airline
Aviastar-TU, had made an emergency landing at Domodedovo Airport a day earlier after smoke filled the cabin shortly after takeoff, but crash investigators downplayed any link between the incident and Monday's crash. The smoke was caused by a failure of the cabin's heating system.
The Federal Air Transportation Service, grounded all Aviastar-TU flights pending the outcome of an investigation.
Investigators said they believed that the crash had been caused by a violation of air traffic safety regulations, possibly by the pilots or the airline.
The crash was the first of a Tu-204, Russia's most modern passenger jet.
The plane was returning to Moscow empty  performing
flight TUP1906 after delivering 210 passengers to the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Hurgada.
The plane crashed in heavy fog at 2:35 a.m.
All eight crew members were hospitalized, including two in serious condition.
The airline is affiliated with aircraft maker Aviastar SP, based in Ulyanovsk, which builds the Tu-204.
While the crash was the first for a Tu-204, the aircraft have experienced numerous minor glitches in the past that could have easily led to tragedy, said Roman Gusarov, editor of the Avia.ru aviation news portal.
He said many aircraft systems in the Tu-204, which was designed in 1989 and launched in serial production in 1994, are underdeveloped.
Konstantin Teterin, general director of privately owned Red Wings, Russia's largest Tu-204 operator with nine of the aircraft, told Business FM radio station that most of the Tu-204's problems were related to the low quality of spare parts for the jet's engines.
“Spare parts for the Tu-204 are terribly expensive. They cost several times more than similar ones for Boeing or Airbus,” he said.
Ми-8 се разби в Казахстан,
8 загинали

11.03.2010 - Вертолетът излетял в 14:05 м. вр. .от село Маканчи, Урджарски район в Източно-Казахстанска област. На борда му са се намирали освен 3-членния екипаж, 2 медички, кметовете на селските райони на Маканчи и Благодарствено и юноша на 17 години със симптоми за апандесит. Вертолетът бил с направление Карабут – Коктерек, но след загуба на радиосвръзка с диспечерите започнало енергичното му издирване с всички налични сили на местните спасителни служби, сътрудници на гранични войски, както и с помощта на други вертолети.
В 15:50 независимо от лошите метеорологични условия – мъгла, виелица и снегопад, останките му били открити пръснати на площ от 800 м, поради което малко прибързано се предполага, че вертолетът се е взривил още във въздуха.
Няма оцелели при катастрофата.
Предварительная версия крушения вертолета в Восточном Казахстане – взрыв

11.03.2010 - Причиной аварии вертолета санитарной авиации, потерпевшего крушение при проведении спасательной операции в Восточно-Казахстанской области (ВКО), мог быть взрыв. Такова предварительная версия трагедии, озвученная заместителем начальника ДЧС региона Владимиром Власовым в пятницу на пресс-конференции.
"На это указывает площадь, на которую разлетелись осколки. Их находят в радиусе 800 метров. Живых нет", - рассказал В. Власов.
Обломки вертолета
Ми-8 и фрагменты тел погибших были обнаружены между селом Каратал и селом Коктерек, в 5 км от автодороги Маканчи-Бахты.
В поисках пропавшего вертолета были задействованы погранвойска, полиция и спасатели Маканчийского сельского округа. В 15 часов 50 минут на борт диспетчеру от погранзаставы «Бахты» поступили приблизительные координаты обнаружения погибшего вертолета.
Спасатели ведут сбор фрагментов тел погибших и обломков вертолета. В областном акимате заверили, что семьям всех погибших будет оказана поддержка.
На борту находились 8 человек. Среди них 2 пилота Владимир Столбовский и Юрий Тюринков, борт-механик Сергей Барабанов, фельдшер Анжела Стрельник, врач-гинеколог Валентина Тюктяева, аким Маканчинского сельского округа Ерболат Сагинбеков, аким Благодарственного сельского округа Булат Ибраев и эвакуированный из Маканчи 17-летний юноша Куаныш Калиев.
Eight killed in helicopter
crash in E Kazakhstan

11.03.2010 - Eight people were killed in a helicopter crashed in eastern Kazakhstan, a local emergency situations bureau said on Friday.
The wreckage of the
Mi-8 helicopter, which went missing on a rescue mission on Thursday afternoon, was found in Urdzhar, Kazakhstan, and all the eight people onboard, including two local officials and two doctors, were found dead, the bureau said.
The helicopter lost contact with the air control tower Thursday afternoon when it was on a mission with another helicopter in East Kazakhstan province.
The missing helicopter made its last contact with the tower at about 2:05 p.m. local time.
Northern and eastern Kazakhstan have been hit by freezing weather and heavy snow in recent days.
6 Chilean University Officials Killed in Plane Crash Surveying Quake Damage

01.03.2010//19:00 GMT
Chile/Conception/Tome -
Six Chilean university administrators on a disaster surveillance mission were killed on Monday at 16.00 local time (19. GMT) after their twin-engine aircraft crashed in a wooded area north of Concepci?n, the city near the epicenter of Saturday's devastating earthquake, according to university and news reports.
Three victims of the crash were high-ranking officials at the private University of San Sebastian, whose main campus is in Concepcion. They included
Luis Ernesto Videla Berguecio, the university's vice rector of economic and administrative affairs; Marcelo Ruiz Perez, dean of the engineering faculty; and Pablo Desbordes Jimenez, the university's national director for student affairs.
Rodolfo Becker Barria, vice rector of administration and communications of the Ipege Professional Institute, a technical college affiliated with the university, as well as two other administrators at the college were also killed.
Mr. Desbordes was a former youth director of the opposition Independent Democratic Union party and brother of Mario Desbordes, the future under secretary for research in the government of President-elect Sebastian Pineda. Two of the other victims were founding members of the political party, which will form part of the governing coalition scheduled to take office on March 11.
The administrators took off from an airport outside the capital city of Santiago, about 250 miles north of Concepci?n, just after noon on Monday. They were on their way to survey the damage to the university's Concepcion campus and to provide assistance to its nearly 10,000 students and professors, the university said on Tuesday in a statement. San Sebastian, one of a raft of private universities founded in 1989, at the end of Chile's dictatorship, has five campuses throughout the country and offers degrees in more than 30 disciplines.
On Tuesday government aviation officials were still determining the cause of the crash. Ruiz Perez, a former executive at the Chilean airline LAN Chile, was piloting the
Piper PA-31 Navajo airplane (CC-PGY)  when it caught fire in the air and then nosedived into the ground, according to witness reports cited in El Mercurio, a newspaper. Bystanders rushed to put out the fire and pull out the bodies, the paper said. Saturday's 8.8-magnitude earthquake was the most devastating in Chile's recent history. Government officials raised the death toll to nearly 800 on Tuesday, with more than two million of Chile's 16 million people affected.

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March 2010


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01.03.2010*/Afghanistan/Bagram Air Base (BPM) - An DHL Airways Airbus A300 cargo plane, reportedly registered TC-ACB, suffered a landing mishap at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. It came to rest on the left runway shoulder of runway 03, approximately 500 ft north of taxiway Charlie and just south of the 3000 feet remaining distance marker. It has been reported that the airplane suffered a collapse of, presumably the left hand, main undercarriage.

                  */Tanzania/Mwanza Airport (IATA: MWZ, ICAO: HTMW) - An Air Tanzania
Boeing 737-247 passenger plane (5H-MVZ) exited runway on landing to the left, nose wheel collapsed.
03.03.2010*/US/UT/Wasatch County/Kamas - Three people were seriously injured when a Coast Guard helicopter returning from the Winter Olympic Games crashed in the mountains east of Salt Lake City on Wednesday morning. The crew of four men and one woman aboard the MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter hit heavy snow before they crashed in a remote area southeast of Kamas. The craft was one of two Coast Guard helicopters flying in tandem back to Elizabeth City, N.C., after providing security at the Olympics in Vancouver. The helicopter stopped overnight in Salt Lake City on the way to Kansas City, and took off again Wednesday morning. The helicopter crashed about 9 a.m., its blades ripped to pieces as it plowed through trees before crashing about 50 miles east of Salt Lake City.

                  */US/FL/DeSoto County/Arcadia - A single-engine plane made a forced landing in a field, but clipped a power line and crashed
injuring a man and a woman on board. The plane caught fire and was destroyed.
                  */Canada/BC/W of Courtenay/Forbidden Plateau area - The Bert Smit F-11 plane (C-IMAR) broke apart and some trees before crashing in the Forbidden Plateau area.
The pilot was killed.
*/UK/Grovesend - A training Cessna-172F Skyhawk, registered G-ASWL, crash-landed in a field. One of the two occupants was taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries.

*/India/Hyderabad - An Indian navy HAL HJT-16 Kiran Mk2 plane of the Indian Navy Sagar Pawan display team performing aerobatics at an air show crashed into a building in southern India on Wednesday. Both pilots, Cdr Suresh K Maurya and Lt Cdr Rahul Nair, and an unidentified civilian were killed in the mishap while three other persons in the building sustained injuries. Nair apparently tried to eject, but did not have the minimum safe ejection altitude.

                  */Puerto Rico/Mayaguez - A light plane, Rans S-65, crashed
killing the pilot.

*/New Zealand/Auckland/Ardmore Airport - A Schweizer 300CBi helicopter (ZK-HMC) crashed on a training flight at Ardmore Airport (NZAR). The 2 occupants are reported to have sustained light injuries.
*/US/IN/Elkhart Co/Goshen - A helicopter, owned by TBT Aviation of Findlay, Ohio, made an emergency landing in a field injuring the 2 occupants.

*/US/OH/Marysville - A small plane, registered N930LA, crashed in a wooded area killing the 2 occupants.
*/US/OH/Newark-Heath Airport - A training Cessna-172R Skyhawk, registered N391ES, crash-landed injuring slightly the student-pilot.
*/US/GA/Savannah - A Luscombe 8A Silvaire plane (N45976) crashed in a pond south of Georgetown killing the pilot.
*/Zambia/Ndola International Airport (NLA) - A Cessna-185 plane (9J-RFV) crashed into an airport truck while was performing touch-and-go training manoeuvres. The 2 people on board were killed.

*/US/TX/La Salle County/Cotulla - A Robinson R22 helicopter crashed killing the 2 occupants.
*/Portugal/Ciborro - Alon A-2A Aircoupe plane (CS-AIG) crashed in a rice field killing the 2 occupants.

*/US/ID/Rigby - A man flying his two-person plane was forced to make an emergency landing near Rigby after the craft lost power. The plane landed then tipped over in a field near Equestrian Estates. No injuries.
                  */US/AK/Delta Junction - A
McDonald Douglas Hughes 500 copter with 4 people on board lose power and crashed into some trees injuring 1 of the occupants.
                  */US/IL/Chicago Executive Airport (KPWK) - A Piper PA-34-220T Seneca III plane (N9148B) struck a deer while taking off at Campbell Airport, damaged.

08.03.2010*/Uganda/Bugiri - Uganda Prime Minister Apolo Nsibambi and six other people have been rushed to Bugiri Hospital after a police helicopter they were in was forced to make an emergency landing in Bugiri, Eastern Uganda. Prof Nsibambi and the trio were returning from the Ugandan-Kenya border of Lamaka, where he received donation from the Kenyan government to the Bududa landslide victims when the pilot crash-landed at 2:50pm.

                  */Germany/Bonitz (Lausitz) - A Zlin Z-37A plane (D-EPTT) hit powerline in snowfall and crashed into a field
injuring slightly the pilot.

*/UK/Swansea/Gorseinon/Penyrheol - A training Cessna-172 plane made an emergency landing and flipped onto its roof in a boggy field injuring the pilot.
*/Brazil/NS/near Corumba - During a night training flight operated during Operation Cabure, the AS.550A2 Fennec helicopter (EB1029) crashed near Corumba, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. All four crew members died.
*/Honduras/Tegucigalpa - A Cessna 421B Golden Eagle plane (TG-JYM) crashed and burned about 3 minutes after take-off killing the three occupants.
*/US/TX/Huber Airpark - A light plane (N4384N) crash-landed injuring slightly the pilot.
*/Russia/Karelia/lake Onega/near Petrozavodsk - A Robinson R44 Raven I helicopter (RA-04163) probably ran out of fuel and crashed killing a couple.
Eight killed in helicopter crash in Kazakhstan
12.03.2010*/Nigeria/Port Harcourt International Airport (PHC) - Forty seven passengers and five crew members narrowly escaped death yesterday in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, when a Nigerian Air Force plane, Alenia/Aeritalia G-222 (NAF-950), veered out of control after landing. The passengers, comprising journalists, officials of the National Emergency Management Agency as well as other agencies responsible for rescue operations in the country, ironically, were taking part in a simulated exercise to demonstrate the responsiveness of the relevant agencies to emergency situations. Ten of the passengers on board the flight sustained injuries.

*/US/LA/Joyce Wildlife Management Area - An amphibious plane crashed on the Northshore.

14.03.2010*/Netherlands/Rottevalle - An Ultravia Pelican PL plane (PH-DAY) made an emergency landing in a field due to engine failure.

15.03.2010*/US/ID/Magic Valley Regional Airport - A Van's RV-9A plane (N951DM) crash-landed injuring slightly the pilot.
*/Malaysia/Pasir Hitam/off coast - A Diamond DA40D Diamond Star TDI plane (9M-HMV) crashed into the sea minutes after takeoff due to engine problems.

16.03.2010*/US/NV/east of Fallon Naval Air Station - Two F/A-18E Super Hornets collided in mid-air Monday night, sending one crashing to the Nevada desert. Both jets are assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 137 based at Naval Air Station Lemoore, CA.

                  */US/NC/Charlotte -
Nine crew members and passengers aboard a Jamaica-bound US Airways flight were taken to a hospital with coughs and sore throats after smelling strong odors. Some of the 152 passengers aboard Flight 985 began complaining of a foul electrical smell soon after it pushed away from its gate at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport bound for Montego Bay.

17.03.2010*/US/AZ/Laveen/West of Gila River Indian Community Reservation - An experimental plane, Rutan VariEze, registered N50894, made an emergency landing. Pilot suffered serious injuries.

*/RU/Khanty-Mansiysk/Yugra - A Mi-2 helicopter crashed on takeoff. No injuries.
                  */Estonia/near Tallin/frozen lake Ulemiste - An Exin opf DHL
Antonov An-26B cargo plane, registered SP-FDO, made an emergency landing on the ice of frozen lake Ulemiste. It has found a fuel leak.
                  */USAR/near Huntsville Municipal Airport  - The Sea Ray plane (N100JW) crashed shortly after take off.
The pilot was killed.

*/US/IN/Reeelsville - A single-engine Cessna plane made an emergency landing on a highway. One of the 2 occupants was slightly injured.
*/UK/Isle of Man/East Baldwin - An Enstrom 280C Shark helicopter (G-COLL) an engine malfunction just after take off and the pilot had to make a forced landing in the field near Mount Rule Back Road.  He escaped unhurt.
                  */Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul/Campo Grande/Santa Maria Airport - A Cessna 185A Skywagon plane (PT-LCI) crashed on takeoff. The landing gear collapsed.
Both occupants sustained minor to moderate injuries.
*/Italy/Crevoladossola - An Agusta A129 Mangusta helicopter crashed injuring the 2 occupants.
*/United Arab Emirates/Ras Al Khaimah/Jazeera Al Hamra - An ultralight plane crashed on approach 200 m short of the runway. The 2 occupants sustained minor injuries.

*/US/FL/Williston - Three people have been killed after two small planes collided over central Florida. A single-engine Piper PA-32R-300 Lance (N823AG) and a home-built plane, Van?s RV-6 (N788LL, collided near the Williston Municipal Airport. Two bodies were in the Piper and a 73-year-old man was in the home-built plane.
People gather around the scene where a L-39C plane crashed at a slum 300 meters away from the international airport Antonio Jose de Sucre in Cumana, capital of Venezuelan state of Sucre, March 21, 2010. The light plane crashed into three houses on Sunday killed at least 6 people and hurt 3. (Xinhua/Jose Guilarte)
L-39 jet crashed in Venezuela, 6 dead

21.03.2010//19:45 GMT

At least six persons died today in the city of Cumana, 402 kilometers to the east of Caracas, after Antonio Jose of Sucre fell down a light aircraft on a quarter of this city near to the international airport.
The accident registered, according to the sources, towards 15:15 local time and between the deceased there is the pilot and the only traveler of the airship identified as
Walter Orasqui.
The rest of the deceased persons are inhabitants of the houses, to approximately 300 meters of the track, on that it fell down the light aircraft when it was trying to land. The device, a
L39 of Czech manufacture, registered YV100X and with a
serial number 931327, had gone out of Margarita's near island. The victims were answering to the name of Cristina del Valle Agreda (25) and her daughter of four months, Yorgelis of the Vale Marval Agreda, Yelitza of the Vale Rodr?guez (33), who had three months of pregnancy, Elviriana of the Vale Source Hernandez (17), with seven months of pregnancy and his two-year-old small daughter, Scarlit Alejandra Agreda Fuentes. Two injured men were moved up to the emergency of the university hospital Antonio Patricio of Alcala.
One of the versions indicated that the pilot carried several maneuvers out and communicated to the tower of control that was trying to simulate a mistake in the engine to land. A witness would have reported that, on having done a draft towards the left side, the plane lost support and fell down on the houses.
A Tu-204 lying in a forest near Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport after crashing at 2:35 a.m. in heavy fog Monday. Photo: Vladimir Davydov / Reuters
22.03.2010*/US/FL/Winter Haven - A training Cessna-150 L plane (N6589G) crashed in a field and flipped over.
                  */Canada/BC/Alexis Creek -
One person has been injured after a helicopter carrying 10 people on a heli-skiing trip went down in the central Interior of B.C.Monday afternoon. The pilot was the only person injured when the aircraft went down en route to Alexis Creek, 100 kilometres west of Williams Lake, and about 350 kilometres north of Vancouver.
                  */Germany/Bad Hersfeld/Heenes - A Valentin Taifun 17 E plane (D-KHNO) lost engine power and had to make an emergency landing in a field.
The couple (72- and 73- year old) escaped with only minor injuries.
*/US/MO/Eldon Airport - A Zenith CH 701 plane went down in a field at the north end of the runway at the Eldon Airport.
                  */RU/North Pole/ice airstrip "Borneo" - A Taymir
Mi-8 helicopter turned over on takeoff.

*/Greece/Crete/near Kasteli Airport - Two RAF Red Arrows jets, BAE Systems Hawk T1A, collided in mid-air during training flight. Pilot of one ejected and received moderate injuries. Aircraft crashed on the airfield, caught fire and was destroyed. The second aircraft landed safely in Heraklion Airport.

24.03.2010*/Malaysia/Penang - A Malaysian Airlines Boeing -737 made an emergency landing due to several explosion and fire on board during the flight.

26.03.2010*/US/CA/Los Padres National Forest - An experimental plane (N142BP) made an emergency landing on a road and veered off the road into bushes.
Search on for Shaikh Ahmed bin Zayed
Morocco/near Skhirat/Moulay Abdellah Lake -
The head of Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund, the largest in the world with net assets of around $700 billion is missing. Sheikh Ahmed bin Zayed al Nahyan's glider has crashed in Morroco. The pilot has been rescued but Sheikh Ahmed, who is a younger brother of UAR President, and Abu Dhabi Ruler Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, is missing and the subject of an intensive land and air rescue operation. Several days later his body was found.
28.03.2010*/US/FL/off Miami Beach - A Robinson R22 Beta helicopter (N72377) crashed into the sea.
                  */Australia/WA/ 40km east of Perth/ near Sawyers Valley/ Mundaring Weir - A Piper PA-30-160 Twin Comanche B plane (VH-KDS) crashed
killing the 2 occupants.
*/Hungary/Nagykanizsa airport - An ultra-light plane crashed on landing killing the pilot.

*/Kenya/Nairobi/Dagoretti - A Cessna plane crashed killing the pilot.

*/Australia/ NT/ Flying Fox station - Strong winds associated with Paul caused havoc across the Territory and flipped a Robinson R44 helicopter onto its side seconds after it took off about 200 kilometres south of Katherine.

                  */RU/Ivanovo Airport - A 2004
Antonov 74 jet (RA-74017) sustained substantial damage in a takeoff accident at Ivanovo Airport (IWA), Russia. Takeoff was aborted due to engine failure. The airplane overran the runway. Two occupants reportedly were taken to hospitals.

31.03.2010*/Persian Gulf - A U.S. Navy E-2C Hawkeye plane crashed in the Persian Gulf region on Wednesday and one of the four crew members was missing. The plane was used for command and control functions and operated from the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.