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November 2007

10 injured aboard plane in ground test
Nine people on board at the time of incident
at French airport
15.11.2007/16:00 GMT
Airbus A340-600 carrying out engine tests crashed into an anti-noise barrier at Toulouse airport in southwest France overnight, injuring 10 people.
The plane was "seriously damaged".
Two of the passengers and another person on the ground were seriously injured. In
all 10 people were injured and four people were taken to hospital, three of whom were in serious conditions.
Eighty firefighters rushed to the scene after the plane slammed nose-first into the barrier and the tail hit the tarmac.
"For an unknown reason the aircraft began to roll and it climbed up the embankment in front of it,'' said Airbus France spokesman Jacques Rocca.
European aircraft manufacturer said it "deeply regrets'' the accident which occurred at 5pm (3am AEDT) during "engine-run-ups''.
The plane, destined for Abu Dhabi-based carrier Etihad Airways, was a Airbus A340-600, with tail number
F-WWCJ. The four-engined aircraft can carry between 380 and 472 passengers depending on the model
  wAdditional News:          Членов экипажа самолета в США госпитализировали после приземления                     
01.11.2007*/Brazil/Sao Paulo/Carapicuiba, Robinson helicopter crashed 1 min. after takeoff killing 3 and injuring a passenger.
*/Brazil/Sao Paulo/Mogi das Cruzes, Robinson helicopter crash injures 2 people on board.
                */Brazil/Sao Paulo/Riberao Preto, a helicopter crash
injures critically 3 people on board.
                */US/Wis./Jefferson Co/Palmyra, a glider crashed after takeoff
injuring the pilot.
*/US/Mo/La Belle, an experimental plane crash kills the pilot.
*/SA/Cape Town, SA Airlines Airbus plane got into difficulties at about 14:40 on Friday afternoon, resulting in the temporary closure of the runway. Plane's front wheel malfunctioned and veered off the runway, blocking the airport's only two landing strips. No injuries were reported.
                */Liberia, UN
Mi-8-MTB-1 helicopter (RA-27114) crash kills 3 people on board (pilot Vitaliy Drozdov, co-pilot Sergey Kolosov, mechanic Nikolay Zarikov -all Russians)
                */US/Pa/Mercer County/Greenville, a light plane crash
kills the pilot.
*/US/Co/Boulder, a Cessna-210 plane flipped and crashed into the east bank of Hayden Lake, which is just west of the airport's runways. The pilot was injured.
*/US/La/New Iberia/Acadiana Regional Airport, Navy T-45 Goshawk training plane crashed just after takeoff. The pilot and navigator ejected from the jet and it rolled across Louisiana 88 and came to a stop in a field just across the highway. No one was injured in the crash.
                */US/VT/Alburgh, a small plane crash
injures the pilot.
*/US/Nev./Reno-Stead Airport, a small plane crash kills the pilot.
*/S.A./Colesberg, a helicopter crash kills the passenger, injures the pilot.
*/US/FL/Okaloosa County/Holt, an experimental plane crashed during takeoff injuring one passenger.
*/US/Del./Farmington/Chorman Airport, a small plane crashed shortly after taking off killing 2 people on board.
                */US/Ind./Johnson County/Greenwood Airport, a home-built experimental plane crashed after takeoff.
                */US/Minn./Voyageurs National Park, a small plane, conducting a hunting patrol, crashed.
                */US/N.Y./Windham High Peak, a glider plane crashed
injuring 2 men.
*/Canada/Quebec/Poltimore (about 50 km N of Ottawa), an ultralight plane crashed killing the pilot.
Восемь человек погибли при
крушении самолета в Бразилии

04.11.2007//16:10 по Гринвичу

Восемь человек погибли и двое получили ранения в воскресенье при крушении небольшого самолета в бразильском городе Сан-Паулу.
Самолет бизнес-класса
LearJet 35А (PT-OVC), направлявшийся в Рио-де-Жанейро, упал на жилой квартал в северной части Сан-Паулу через несколько минут после взлета и загорелся. Из-под обломков были извлечены, в частности, тела четырех мужчин, двух женщин, грудного младенца и обугленого до неузнаваемости человека.  В тушении пожара, начавшегося на месте падения самолета, участвовало более 60 человек и 22 пожарных расчета. Огонь удалось потушить лишь спустя четыре часа после инцидента. Погибли оба пилота самолета и  шестеро граждан на земле, являвшихся членами одной семьи. Ведется расследование причин аварии.
Firefighters work on the site where a small jet crashed in Sao Paulo, Sunday, Nov. 4, 2007.
The small plane crashed into a heavily populated neighborhood, killing at least 8 and injuring 2 people.
Осем загинали и двама ранени
при катастрофа на самолет в Бразилия

04.11.2007//16:10 по Гринуич
Бразилия/ Сао Пауло

Бизнес самолет 
Learjet 35A (PT-OVC) ,за полети по вътрешни линии, катастрофира минути след излитането си от летището Campo de Marte на град Сао Пауло, Бразилия. Самолетът, собственост на бразилската авиокомпания Reali Taxi Aereo, завил неочаквано надясно при опита се да набере височина и паднал в гъсто населен район, като сринал една къща и нанесъл сериозни щети на друга. Загинали са двамата пилоти в самолета и 6 души на земята -членове на едно семейство. Сред загиналите е 9-месечно дете. Ранени са двама души. Същите са  настанени в болница. Повече от 60 пожарникари и спасители с кучета са участвали в претърсването на района за пострадали при катастрофата. Това е пета авиокатастрофа за период от няколко дни в този район. На 17.07. т.г. Сао Пауло стана сцена на най-голямата авиокатастрофа за годината, когато пътнически самолет на авиокомпанията Tam Linhas Aereas катастрофира при приземяването си отнемайки живота на 199 души. Води се разследване на причините за трагедията, но експертите едва ли ще отговорят на въпроса:  "Защо катастрофите станаха тук и в това време, а някои от тях-с разлика само от няколко часа?"
The list of the victims
Alberto Soares Junior (24)
Ana Maria Lima Fernandes (21)
Ayres Fernandes (54)
Lina Oliveira Fernandes (75)
Luan Victor de Lima So, (9 mo)
Lucas So
Paulo Roberto Montezuma Firmino (39)
Rosa Lima (54)
05.11.2007*/US/Washington-Boston. US Airways Flight 2022 crew -2 pilots were feeling sick after reporting a smell in the cockpit. 
Cessna-208 plane crashed after takeoff in Sinaloa, Mexico; 15 injured

*/15:50 GMT//Mexico/Sinaloa/1 km W of Culiacan
Aereo Calafia's morning service from Culiacan (CUL) to Cabo San Lucas (MMSL) took off from runway 02 around 08:50. The pilot flew a U-turn in order to head West for Cabo San Lucas. The airplane lost height and crash-landed in a field near the airport. The Cessna-208 Grand Caravan (XA-UBC) overturned and came to rest upside down.
Fourteen passengers, including a 40-days baby, and the pilot were injured.

The wreckage of the crashed Cessna-208 Grand Caravan, 05.11.2007.
Cessna-208 plane crashed after takeoff in Sinaloa, Mexico; 15 injured
07.11.2007*/S.A./Cape Town. -  Boeing's engine fell down on takeoff
Nationwide Flight CE723 departed from Cape Town (CPT) with 106 occupants aboard on schedule at 15:50. At take-off it was reported that the right hand engine separated from the wing. The aircraft continued to climb out. The Boeing 737-230 ( ZS-OEZ ? ) returned and landed at Cape Town International Airport without further incident. No passengers or crew were injured.

                */US/Wyo./Cody/on top of Ptarmigan Mountain. Augusta A-119 helicopter made a hard landing in the Washakie Wilderness and was damaged.
The pilot was injured.

*/Australia/NSW-Victorian border/Echuca, a gyrocopter crash kills 1 and injures 1 man on board.
Four killed as cargo plane
crashes on takeoff in Khartoum

Two Sudanese soldiers and two airport workers on the ground in Khartoum were killed Thursday when a Russian-made Antonov An-12 cargo plane crash-landed minutes after takeoff from the Sudanese capital. The plane rammed into a tank and five other military vehicles on a military airfield adjacent to the Khartoum international airport and immediately caught fire. None of the plane's crew of four, three Russians and a Sudanese, were hurt in the crash or the subsequent blaze but were taken to a hospital for precautionary checkups. The Antonov, belonging to Juba Air Cargo, carried a 12-ton cargo and a 7-hour fuel supply. The plane took off from Khartoum destined for Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan, but two minutes later, the pilot asked for permission to turn back and land again after a hawk hit the plane. As it touched ground, the plane swerved off the runway and moved erratically before crashing into the military vehicles.
A fire tender helping to put off the blaze crashed through the bridge and plunged into the Nile River.
Россиян на борту аварийно севшего
в Хартуме самолета Ан-12 не было

Российских граждан на борту совершившего аварийную посадку в Хартуме грузового самолета
Ан-12 не было.В экипаже самолета были три гражданина Армении и один - Судана.
Двое суданских военнослужащих  и двое рабочих аэропорта погибли на земле при аварийной посадке грузового самолета. Самолет Ан-12, принадлежащий местной авиакомпании Juba Air Cargo и выполнявший рейс Хартум-Джубо, совершил аварийную посадку в ночь с 7 на 8 ноября. "Через несколько минут после взлета экипаж доложил о неполадках в двигателе и запросил срочную посадку. При посадке самолет съехал с полосы, перевернулся и загорелся. Экипажу удалось выпрыгнуть из самолета, никто не пострадал". Суданские власти начали расследование авиапроисшествия.
Четирима загинаха при аварийно
кацане на Ан -12 в Судан

Двама судански военнослужащи (според някои източници били полицаи) и двама летищни работници загинаха при аварийно кацане на товарен самолет Антонов-12 на летището в Хартум, Судан. Самолетът, собственост на компанията Juba Air Cargo, бил на борда с 12 тона товар и гориво за 7-часов полет. Две минути след излитането си командирът доложил за проблем в един от двигателите и поискал разрешение за аварийно кацане на летището в Хартум.
При приземяването самолетът завил и напуснал пределите на пистата, насочил се към вонната база наблизо и връхлетял върху танк и 5 други военнопревозни средства. Самолетът се запалил, но екипажът му успял своевременно да го напусне и се спасил без значими наранявания.
Местен жител се завтекъл да помогне при потушаване на пламъците, но паднал от моста в река Нил.
Предполага се, че причината за аварията
е удар с хищна птица при излитането.
U.S. Blackhawk helicopter crashes
Italian rescue personnel surround the wreckage of a crashed U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter in a field near the town of Santa Lucia Di Piave Nov. 8, 2007. Six U.S. soldiers were killed  in a helicopter crash in northeastern Italy, according to Italian News Agency ANSA. (Xinhua/AFP Photo)
U.S. Blackhawk helicopter crashes
in Italy; 6 dead

Italy/Santa Lucia Di Piave

A sixth U.S. service member died Friday from injuries sustained when a Black Hawk helicopter crashed in northeastern Italy on Thursday.
The helicopter, carrying 11 U.S. military personnel, crashed Thursday afternoon about 22 miles from Aviano, Italy. Four people were killed and seven were injured in the crash, and two of the injured later died. One of the dead was a woman, no one on the ground was hurt. The U.S. military said the helicopter was an Army
UH-60 Black Hawk attached to the 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment.
The craft crashed in an open area near the Piave River north of Treviso, between the towns of Maserata Sul Piave and Santa Lucia Di Piave. The helicopter appeared crumpled and charred in photos from the crash. The helicopter crashed near the bridge of a major highway and the road was closed as a precaution. The copter had taken off from Aviano Air Base, but fire authorities could not confirm whether it was leaving or returning to the base.
The Black Hawk is considered the workhorse of the military's helicopter fleet. It is used in missions in Iraq and Afghanistan to carry troops and equipment. The military has employed Black Hawks for about three decades. The helicopter's first combat mission was about 25 years ago.
В Италии разбился американский
военный вертолет; погибли 6


Разбившийся в четверг в Италии американский военный вертолет упал на камни в устье реки Пьяве (Piave). Очевидцы происшествия утверждают, что машина спикировала по диагонали с поднятым кверху хвостом.  Американские военные, выжившие в катастрофе вертолета, доставлены в больницы городов Тревизо и Конельяно. В катастрофе погибли 4 человека и еще 7 получили ранения. Позднее от своих ранений скончались еще 2. Установлено, что разбилась боевая машина, которая дислоцировалась на базе ВВС США в Авиано (Aviano). Речь идет о вертолете
UH-60 Black Нawk, предназначенном для транспортировки войск. На борту вертолета, совершавшего тренировочный полет, в момент катастрофы находились 11 американских военнослужащих.
Вертолет упал в окрестностях местечка Санта-Лучия-ди-Пьяве (Santa Lucia di Piave), в районе, где не было жилых построек. На место происшествия немедленно прибыли вертолеты итальянских пожарных, которым удалось быстро потушить огонь и спасти раненых. По поступающим с места происшествия данным, вертолет упал всего в 200 метрах от автострады А-27, движение по которой на всякий случай сейчас перекрыто. Зона падения американского вертолета оцеплена карабинерами. Там работают специалисты ВВС США. Данных о причинах инцидента пока не поступало.
05.11.2007 - Пятеро членов экипажа самолета компании US Airways, который летел из Вашингтона в Бостон, были госпитализированы сразу после приземления из-за плохого самочувствия. Самолет выполнял рейс 2022 и на его борту находился 81 пассажир. После вылета самолета из аэропорта имени Рейгана в пригороде Вашингтона пассажиры и экипаж почувствовали в самолете запах, похожий на запах серы. Самолет вернулся на аэродром и его заменили на другой. Их жизни в настоящее время ничто не угрожает, они получают кислородную терапию. Врач сказал, что двое членов экипажа отравились угарным газом. Никто из пассажиров не пострадал.  Инцидент подчеркивает необходимость изучения воздуха кабины пилотов на предмет опасных веществ, о чем специалисты давно предупреждали.
Американски военен хеликоптер
се разби над Италия, 6 загинали

Италия/Санта Лучия ди Пияве

Американски военно-транспортен вертолет
UH-60 Black Hawk се разби по време на тренировъчен полет след излитането си от авиобаза Авиано, Италия. В резултат на катастрофата загинали 4 от 11 военнослужащи намиращи се на борда му. Останалите били тежко ранени. По късно от нараняванията починали още двама военнослужащи. Хеликоптерът паднал на каменистия бряг в устието на река Пияве. Падането било косо по диагонал, като пикиране. Минути след произшествието на мястото на катастрофата пристигнали пожарни и спасителни разчети. Мястото е отцепено от карабинери, а американски експерти водят разследване за установяване на причините за катастрофата.
Временно е спряно движението на превозни средства по намиращата се на около 200 метра магистрала А-27.
09.11.2007*/US/N.C./Gaston County/Belmont, a small plane crashed in wooded area injuring slightly the pilot.
*/US/W.V./Morristown. A West Virginia helicopter pilot was partially decapitated and killed when he was struck in the head by his helicopter's rotor.
                */US/Ca/Wasco, a Piper Aerostar 602P crash
kills 2 men, a former Sutherlin school teacher and a California war hero.
                */US/AK/Palmer, a Cessna-150 plane crash-landed onto the Palmer Golf Course
injuring 2 men on board.
                */Australia/Northern Territory/20km north of Elliott.
THREE German nationals have been killed in a light plane crash on to the Stuart Highway, north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. Police believe the pilot was trying to making an emergency landing on the highway when it crashed.
a skydiver killed after took a fatal plunge.
                */US/Ca/Kern County/near Delano, a small plane crashed in orange grove
killing all 3 passengers on board.
Eight dead after small jet
crashes in Brazil
Six people on the ground in Sao Paulo die

04.11.2007// 16:10 GMT

An executive jet crashed in a heavily populated neighborhood of Sao Paulo on Sunday,
killing eight people and turning homes into a pile of smoky rubble just months after the city was the site of Brazil’s deadliest air disaster.
The plane, a
Learjet 35A (PT-OVC) belonging to a Brazilian air taxi company, slammed into several houses shortly after taking off. Killed in the crash were the pilot, the co-pilot and six people on the ground, including a child, according to Sao Paulo’s state public safety department and the airport authority. Two people on the ground were injured. The plane was not carrying any passengers. Investigators were trying to determine the cause of the crash, but  there were no immediate indications that it was related to Brazil’s recent air-traffic chaos that reached a crisis point with the July 17 crash of a Tam Linhas Aereas SA jetliner, which slammed into a building in Sao Paulo, killing 199 people. That crash happened at Sao Paulo’s Congonhas airport, widely criticized for having a short runway that makes landing tricky during rainy conditions.
The jet that crashed Sunday afternoon took off from the
Campo de Marte airport, used by executive jets and helicopters, and was en route to Rio de Janeiro. Witnesses told the Learjet plowed nose first into the blue-collar neighborhood as it apparently tried to return to the airport during cloudy and slightly rainy conditions. One home was destroyed and at least one more was heavily damaged. More than 60 firefighters combed through the debris hours later.
10.11.2007*/                                                        Navy Seahawk Helicopter Crash; Crew Rescued
                                                                                      Crew rescued as Navy chopper goes down off of Southern California coast
US/Ca/SAN DIEGO (AP) - All seven crewmembers are safe following the crash of a Navy
Seahawk helicopter last night off the coast of San Diego. A Navy spokeswoman says the chopper was based at a naval air station near San Diego and was providing support for a training exercise by the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln, and its strike group. The helicopter went down about 100 miles from shore. The cause isn't known but the spokeswoman says all on board were "picked up pretty quickly." She says none of them had any serious injuries.

                */US/FL/Pembroke Pines. A 1965 Piper banner plane (N131AB) crashed on landing
injuring the pilot.
                */US/FL/Geneva - An ultra-light plane crashed into the St. Johns River near Geneva Saturday, pilot error is to blame.
11.11.2007*/US/Mo/Kansas City - A jet owned by an Overland Park company blew a tire and ran off the runway at the Downtown Airport Sunday morning.
                */US/TX/Sugar Land - The landing gear on the nose of the
Gulfstream jet collapsed as it came down.
                */US/OR/McMinnville Airport - An ultralight plane crashed at the airport because of the strong winds.
Pilot injured.

                */Everyone OK after jet crash
Canada/N.S./FOX HARBOUR - A private jet crashed Sunday at a northern Nova Scotia golf resort owned by Tim Hortons co-founder Ron Joyce, though no one was seriously injured.
Bombardier Global 5000 (C-GXPR) ran into trouble while landing in high winds at the Fox Harbour Resort’s private airstrip around 2:30 p.m. local time. It appeared the jet’s wing hit the runway, causing the plane to spin before stopping near the end of the runway. There was no fire. The jet was carrying two crew members and eight passengers, who were taken to hospital to be checked out but there were no major injuries.
Iberia Airbus slides off
runway at Quito airport

09.11.2007//22:05 GMT

An Iberia Airlines Airbus with 347 people on board skidded off a wet runway on landing Friday at Quito’s Mariscal Sucre airport, causing some damage but no injuries and shutting the airport down for two days.
Airbus A340-600 (EC-JOH) was on a Madrid-Quito-Guayaquil-Madrid route performing Flight IB 643 and landed in Quito during a drizzle.
Some passengers said they saw a tire blow out as the plane touched down and smoke billowing from one of the engines.
The damaged airliner remained parked at the end of the runway where it came to a halt while the incident was under investigation.
The airport will be closed for two days and all flights diverted to Guayaquil, 275 kilometers (170 miles) southeast of Quito, airport authorities said
У лайнера при посадке лопнуло шасси
У лайнера при посадке
лопнуло шасси

09.11.2007//22:05 по Гринвичу

В аэропорту столицы Эквадора при посадке у самолета
А340-600 (EC-JOH) испанской компании "Иберия" лопнула покрышка шасси. В результате происшествия лайнер выехал за пределы взлетно-посадочной полосы.. На его борту находились 347 человек. К счастью, никто из них не пострадал. В связи с инцидентом аэропорт закрыли на двух суток. Это уже не первое подобное происшествие в Кито за последнее время. В августе этого года при заходе на посадку еще у одного самолета лопнула покрышка.
А-340 излезе от пистата
при приземяване в Еквадор

09.11.2007//22:05 по Гринуич
Еквадор/Кито- Пътнически авиолайнер, собственост на испанския авиоператор
Iberia Airlines, с 347 души на борда излезе от пистата при кацане в еквадорската столица Кито. За щастие никой от намиращите се на борда не е пострадал. Някои пътници разказват, че видели да се пука гума и да излиза дим от един от двигателите. Вероятно  поради спуканата гума, екипажът  загубил контрол над управлението на самолета и той кривнал по затревената площ извън пределите на полосата за излитане и кацане. Там, поради нейната неравност, той заорал почвата с крило и един от двигателите си. По тези елементи   уврежданията са  видими. Самолетът Airbus A340-600 (EC-JOH) изпълнявал полет IB 643 по маршрута Мадрид-Кито-Гуайякуил-Мадрид и при кацането му в Кито ръмяло, а пистата била мокра. Във връзка с инцидента летището в Кито ще бъде затворено за две денонощия.
Самолет А-340 врезался в ограждение во французском аэропорту
Самолет А-340 врезался в
ограждение во французском аэропорту

15.11.2007/16:00 по Гринвичу
Airbus А340-600 (F-WWCJ),
у которого совершали проверку двигателей неожиданно начал двигаться и врезался в ограждение французского аэропорта
Тулуз-Бланяк (Toulouse-Blagnac).
Десять человек пострадали - 9 на борту самолета и 1 на земле. Четыре были госпитализированы, а трое из них находятся в тяжелом состоянии.
В результате аварии лайнер, который предназначался для эмиратской авиакомпании
Etihad Airways, получил значительные повреждения. Причины происшествия выясняются.
Mystery ... 10 people were hurt when an Airbus A340-600 carrying out engine tests crashed into an anti-noise barrier at Toulouse airport in southwest France overnight
А-340 се вряза в ограждение
на френско летище

15.11.2007/16:00 по Гринуич

Еърбъс А340-600 с регистрационен номер F-WWCJ, предназначен за авиокомпанията от ОАЕ Etihad Airways, внезапно се задвижил при рутинна проверка на двигателите му и се врязал в противошумната бариера пред него. Пострадали са 10 души, от които 9 са се намирали на борда, а един на земята. Четирима са били настанени в болница, като трима от тях се намират в тежко състояние. Лайнерът е силно повреден.
А340 е с 4 двигателя и може да превозва от 380 до 472 души  в зависимост от  версията му.
15.11.2007*/Kenya/Mount Kenya, The Kenya Wildlife Service chief pilot has gone missing the country's central region with the helicopter he was flying. Actually he was injured, but survived eight days in the forest till he was rescued.
16.11.2007*/Angola/Alto Cuilo Camp. BHB Billiton executive, Australian David Hopgood with 4 other people died in helicopter crash.
*/US/N.D./Theodore Roosevelt National Park, a helicopter crash injures 2 men.
20.11.2007*/ British helicopter crashes near Baghdad, killing 2, injuring 12

Two British military personnel killed in an RAF helicopter crash in Baghdad were members of the SAS, probably from the 22nd SAS Regiment.
A British military helicopter crashed Tuesday southeast of Baghdad,
killing two British soldiers and injuring 12, the military said. Initial reports indicated the crash was not due to hostile fire. The statement specify the type of helicopter as Puma.
The crash occurred near Salman Pak on the outskirts of the capital. "An investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the incident," the statement said. "However, initial reports indicate the crash was not the result of enemy fire."
British helicopter crashes near Baghdad, killing 2, injuring 12
Policeman killed in
Free State helicopter crash

21.11.2007/09:40 GMT

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has confirmed that
one police service member has died
in the
Oryx helicopter crash just outside Wepener in the southeastern Free State. The accident happened about 11:40 am.
The helicopter was carrying 14 South African Police Service (SAPS) members, two SANDF members and three Air Force members.
Eight SAPS members suffered serious injuries and seven had minor injuries. The helicopter fell on its side on a small hill about 20 m into the Lesotho side of the border, marked by fence posts. The tail had broken off and was lying several metres from the chopper. Other pieces of wreckage, including a set of wheels, were scattered about 60m around the fuselage of the helicopter. All the injured have been admitted to Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein. The victim was Constable Colin Mervin William, 32, who was stationed at the Bisho police station in the Eastern Cape. He was married and had three children.
21.11.2007*/US/N.J./Atlantic County Woods/Hamilton Township, a small plane crashed into wooded area injuring 3 people.
*/US/N.Y./Montgomery, SR-20 plane crashed on approach into a wooded area killing 1, injuring 2 on board.
22.11.2007*/US/Ca/Placer County/Auburn, a Cessna plane crashed in the front yard of home killing a couple on board.
                */N.Z./Christchurch/West Melton, a Robinson R-22 helicopter crashed into trees
injuring the pilot.

*/Indonesia/Jakarta - A CHUNK of wing dropped off an Indonesian passenger plane carrying 144 people minutes after take-off, forcing the aircraft to return to the capital. The Boeing 737-400 operated by Batavia Air landed safely and none of 138 passengers and six crew members were hurt, said Anton Situmeang, a spokesman for the airline. The plane, which was due to fly to Pontianak on Borneo island, could have continued its journey safely without the part, which measured 40cm by 50cm.
"But the pilot decided to return to the airport. It was a standard procedure," an airline official said.

23.11.2007*/US/Co/Englewood, Cessna-172 plane made a belly landing because of a landing gear lock problem.
                */US/TX/Dallas/Mesquite, a Cessna-150 plane crashed on takeoff
killing 1 and injuring seriously 1 on board.

                */Brazil/Amazonas/Manaus -  A twin-engine
EMB-810C airplane with four people on board and belonging to the air taxi company Lafir crashed Friday over six houses in the Brazilian Amazonian city of Manaus, but no one was killed. Lafir chief executive Pedro Teixeira and his secretary were on the plane, along with the pilot and co-pilot.Teixeira said he suspected that malfunctions in the landing gear and in one of the plane's engines led to the accident.

26.11.2007*/RU/Moscow/Snigiri, a private helicopter crashed injuring 2 people on board.
                */New Zealand/Kaimanawa ranges - Robinson R22 helicopter hit the ground while two men on it were observing deer.
27.11.2007*/US/IL/Apple River, an experimental plane crash kills the pilot.
*/US/Pa/Westmoreland Co/Latrobe/ Arnold Palmer Regional Airport, a small plane crashed injuring the pilot.

*/Marine Corps Harrier jet crashes in So. Arizona, pilot safe
US/Arizona/YUMA -- A U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier attack jet crashed while on a routine training mission in southern Arizona late Tuesday, but the pilot ejected safely and was in good condition at a local hospital The crash happened at about 10 p.m., on the Barry M. Goldwater Range about 50 miles east of the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma where the jet was based.
                */US/La/Farmerville, Cessna-182Q plane crashed and burned entirely
killing at least one on board.
Policeman killed in Free State helicopter crash
The wreckage of the Oryx helicopter of South African Air Force lies at the accident site, about 30km south of Wepener in Free State Province, South Africa on Nov. 21, 2007.  [Xinhua]
A Puma helicopter
Един загинал и 15 ранени при
катастрофа на вертолет в Ю. Африка

21.11.2007/09:40 по Гринуич

Южна Африка / Свободен щат/ Уипенер
Полицейски вертолет
Oryx патролиращ край границата с Лесото е катастрофирал по неизвестни причини. На борда е имало 14 полицейски служители, 2 офицери от ВВС на Южна Африка и
3- членен екипаж.
Загинал е Colin Mervin William - офицер от полицията и баща на 3 деца. Осем души са ранени тежко, а други 7 по-леко. Всички са настанени в болницата Пелономи в Блумфонтейн. Вертолетът е паднал на хълм, на 20 м от граничните маркировъчни стълбове в територията на Лесото. Колесника и роторите  му са откъснати, а по корпуса има сериозни увреждания. 
Forensic workers stand near debris of a helicopter
Forensic workers stand near debris of a helicopter that crashed in Ensenada in Mexico's state of Baja California on Nov. 14. Later, Reuters reports, 20 heavily armed drug hitmen snatched the body of a fellow trafficker, who died in the crash, from a morgue in Ensenada.
Action in Ensenada's morgue

13.11.2007//Updated -14.11.2007

Mexico/Ensenada– Mexican media reported he was believed to be a member of the region's Arellano Felix drug cartel. The unusual events started Tuesday afternoon when a helicopter crashed south of Ensenada, along a road that connects the coastal city with the Valle de la Trinidad. The helicopter reportedly had been following the race course. The race began Tuesday in Ensenada and ends  tomorrow in Cabo San Lucas. Two people were found dead at the crash site: Gonzalez and a man identified as Ismael Romo Reyes. Two people were injured and were being treated at an Ensenada hospital. About 9 p.m. Wednesday, six to 12 carloads of armed men stormed Ensenada's morgue, witnesses reported. They initially took two state social workers hostage as they grabbed Gonzalez's body.
The unidentified workers were released and are in good health, Mexican authorities said. Mexican law enforcement officials pursued the group, and a shootout occurred on the road that connects Ensenada to Tecate.
Ensenada police officers Enrique Lemus Hinojosa and Salvador Gonzalez Quijano were killed. The assailants escaped with Gonzalez's body.
Photo: REUTERS/Hatice Ozdemir-Anatolian
Plane crash in Turkey
kills all 57 aboard

29.11.2007/23:36 GMT
An Atlasjet plane crashed shortly before it was to land in central Turkey early Friday,
killing all 57 people on board, including a 6-week-old girl.
A rescue helicopter had reached the wreckage of the plane on a mountainous region near the town of Keciborlu, in Isparta province, and reported back that no one had survived the crash.
The 165-seat
MD 83 jetliner took off from Istanbul at 00:51 a.m. (22:51 GMT), headed to Isparta, but went off the radar just before landing at 01:36 a.m. (23:36 GMT). The Atlasjet liner with tail number TC-AKM and C/n 53185 had performed Flight KK4203 from Istanbul to Isparta with 50 passengers and 7 crew-members (2 pilots, 1 bord-mechanic and four hostesses) on board.
Helicopters took off from Ankara, the capital, to search for the plane, which went missing after it reported it was approaching the airport near the city of Isparta.
The cause of the crash was not known.  There was no fog or strong winds at the time of the crash. The plane went missing shortly after the pilot reported having seen the airport and was ready to land.
Families of the passengers first rushed to the airports of Istanbul and Isparta for news of their loved ones and later began heading toward the crash scene, private NTV television reported.
Investigators found the flight data and cockpit voice recorders, which will help them determine the cause of the crash.
Все пассажиры разбившегося
в Турции самолета погибли

29.11.2007/23:36 по Гринвичу
57 пассажиров разбившегося в Турции в пятницу самолета частной турецкой авиакомпании AtlasJet погибли.
Самолет исчез с радаров за несколько минут до посадки в аэропорту города Испарта на юге Турции (150 километров от Антальи). Его обломки уже найдены. Выживших в катастрофе нет. В район падения самолета направлены военные вертолеты, бригады спасателей, однако у них возникли проблемы с проведением необходимых работ в связи со сложным рельефом местности.
"Мы не располагаем данными о технических неполадках в самолете.
С ним все было в порядке. Погодные условия также были благоприятными для посадки", - подчеркнул представитель авиакомпании. Телеканал CNN-Turk в этой связи приводит последние слова пилота самолета: "Вижу ВПП, иду на посадку". Затем связь с самолетом неожиданно исчезла. Самолет
MD83 (TC-AKM), совершавший рейс KK4203 из Стамбула в Испарту, исчез с радаров около 2.30 мск, за несколько минут до посадки в аэропорту назначения. Значительная часть провинции Испарта расположена в горной местности.
Обломки самолета найдены в районе Тюрбетепе, высота которого составляет 1 тысяча 830 метров над уровнем моря. Они разбросаны на значительной территории. "Повсюду видны тела погибших, их личные вещи. Передняя и хвостовая части, а также крылья лайнера разрушены. Часть тел находится в креслах", - передает телекомпания NTV. Подразделения жандармерии оцепили район падения самолета. Туда направляются жители близлежащих деревень. На борту лайнера, рассчитанного на перевозку 165 человек, находились 50 пассажиров и семь членов экипажа. Все пассажиры - местные граждане. Самолет разбился в 12 километрах от аэропорта. 
"Черный ящик" самолета обнаружен. Турецкие власти рассматривают различные версии катастрофы. Власти предполагают, что причиной падения самолета мог стать так называемый "человеческий фактор" или ошибки авиадиспетчеров.
Самолет с 57 души на борда се
разби в Турция; няма оцелели

29.11.2007/23:36 по Гринуич
Турция/провинция Испарта/Испарта
MD83, с бордови номер
TC-AKM на турската авиокомпания AtlasJet, се разби малко преди приземяването си. Всичките 57 души на борда (в това число и момиченце на 6 месеца) загинали на място.. Причината за катастрофата остава загадка. Инцидентът станал при ясно време,
а самолетът бил напълно изправен технически (произведен 1996 г. и наскоро преминал пълен технически преглед). Освен това се разбил на място, което е далеч от маршрута му. До късния следобед вчера нямаше данни на борда да са пътували български граждани.
В нощта срещу петък машината на авиокомпания
AtlasJet изпълнявала полет КК4203 от Истанбул до Испарта, в Югозападна Турция. Малко преди да се приземи обаче, самолетът неочаквано изчезнал от радарите.
Пет часа по-късно спасителни екипи открили останките на самолета на височина 1830 м в планински район в провинция Испарта. Мястото на катастрофата дори не е в маршрута на самолета. Останките му били разпръснати в голям периметър. При последния разговор между контролната кула и пилотите те уведомяват, че ще кацат. По нищо не личи, че има проблем на борда.
Според някои източници инцидентът може да е вследствие на несъгласувани действия и грешка на диспечерите. Експертите тепърва ще разследват причината, за което ще им помогне и откритата черна кутия на машината. Навсякъде около самолета били разпръснати куфари, лични вещи и списания. Имената на всички пътници на борда са турски.  Близките на жертвите отишли на летището в Истанбул, а други пристигнали направо на мястото на катастрофата.
Досега "Атлас джет" не е имала фатален инцидент. През август неин самолет бе отвлечен от двама похитители, които взеха заложници на борда, но по-късно се предадоха.

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